How To Caucus

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Iowa Democratic Party: Caucus Information
Republican Party of Iowa: Caucuses

In addition, several of the campaigns and various interest groups, mostly on the Democratic side, have produced videos and printed materials to inform Iowans about the caucus process.  These cover such basic points as who can participate, how to find one's caucus location, and the importance of arriving on time:
-The Hillary Clinton for President campaign produced a very creative short video on the theme "caucusing is easy."  The video uses star power, humor and nuance.  The opening scenes are Bill Clinton on a treadmill, extraordinary footage of Tom Vilsack "dancing," and the candidate herself singing the national anthem off-key.  Next is a simulated caucus, but unlike the Obama video, which uses genericized candidates, in the Clinton video supporters gather in the Clinton corner.  In the Clinton corner AFSCME, which has endorsed Clinton, gets a couple of tips of the hat, and the shots also show diversity of the participants.  After the simulated caucus, Bill Clinton is shown again, this time off the treadmill.  At the end there is a nice epilogue which ties back to the "caucusing is easy" theme, but uses ordinary Iowans who appeared earlier in the video.  One other stylistic note about this video is that is uses the pastiche of voices technique seen in several independent pro-Clinton communications including the EMILY's List "Go Caucus Iowa" video and AFT COPE radio ad.  

-John Edwards for President's Caucus Command Center includes an instructional video, "The Adventures of Jane and Joe," a graphic look at Caucus Day for two precinct captains.  The video has lot of fine details that the average Iowan can relate to such as Joe bringing in doughnuts to the office or setting his TV to record the Orange bowl.  Another nice feature is the "Four Years Later" epilogue which manages to fit a bit of policy in.

-Obama for America's Caucus Center includes a video featuring former Iowa Democratic Party chair Gordon Fischer.  The video opens with a brief welcome from Obama.  Done loosely in a Q&A format, the Obama video has the feel of a high school instructional video, for example including definitions of "preference group" and "viability" as well as a review of the main points at the end.  The video also includes a simulated caucus; interestingly instead of featuring Obama genericized the candidates are the colors blue, red and green, and gray for undecided.

-The Every Child Matters Education Fund produced an online Caucus for Kids kit [PDF].  This includes "Quick Tips on Raising Children’s Issues at the Iowa Caucuses," one page summaries of the Democratic and Republican processes, and a "Proposed Resolution for the Children and Families of Iowa."
-The Iowa State Education Association produced an 11-page caucus kit [PDF], which included information about the process as well as five suggested resolutions.