Contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, 202-547-1735, 540-538-4741 cell; Kaitlin Clare, 540-538-4822; both with the Christian Defense Coalition
Click here for
high resolution image of Senator Obama dressed as Uncle Sam
The campaign called, "Barack Obama: The Abortion President," will focus
on how Mr. Obama wants taxpayers to pay for abortions.
The Christian Defense Coalition will have a news conference on Tuesday,
July 8, at 11:00 A.M. to discuss this new campaign. They will
also have large color posters and fliers.
The location of the news conference will be in front of Mr. Obama's
senate office in the Hart Senate Office building on the Constitution
Ave. NE entrance side.
A major part of the news conference will center on the fact that
Senator Obama wants people of faith, Catholics and Evangelicals, to pay
for abortions through their tax dollars.
The Chicago Tribune reported last year, when Senator Obama was "asked
about his proposal for expanded access to health insurance, Obama said
it would cover 'reproductive health services.' Contacted
afterward, an Obama spokesperson said that included 'abortions.'
Although in recent days Senator Obama has tried to downplay his
extremist views on abortion, his own Presidential website says, "...he
has been a consistent champion of reproductive choice and will make
preserving women's rights under Roe v. Wade a priority as President."
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense
Coalition, states, "Senator Obama talks about bringing hope, faith and
change to American politics. We now see this is all just political
'doublespeak.' One of his top priorities as President would be
protecting abortion rights and even expanding them. If elected,
Senator Obama would become 'The Abortion President,' with the most
extremist policies on abortion of any President in history.
"Senator Obama's views on abortion are so radical that he even wants
American citizens to pay for them. This would include Catholics,
Evangelicals and all people of faith. He would also expand
abortion rights through his passionate support of The Freedom of Choice
"The Christian Defense Coalition will be working diligently over the
next 5 months before the November elections to educate people of faith,
especially Catholics, that Barack Obama wants them to pay for
abortions. This is not a candidate who is concerned about social
justice, hope and equality. Rather, this is candidate who will
continue the violence and pain of abortion and refuse to end this
tragic war against America's women and children."
Kaitlin Clare, Program Director for the Christian Defense Coalition,
adds, "As a 23 year old woman of faith, I am appalled at the radical
and extremist abortion politics of Senator Obama. This is not a
progressive view on abortion or one that affirms women. As most
of this emerging generation is embracing a 'culture of life' and
growing less comfortable with abortion, Senator Obama wants to take us
back to a radical pro-abortion posture that is both archaic and
"Senator Obama, this generation will not go back to the violent days of
abortion on demand with no restrictions. It is very confusing
that you do not want tax dollars going to pay for the deaths of
American solders in Iraq, yet you want each of us to pay for the
killing of innocent children through abortions here in America.
"We also want to remind Senator Obama that although we may be more
progressive than our parents on the environment, social justice and
other cultural issues, we could never vote for a President that wants
to expand and embrace abortion policies that diminish women and violate
human rights."
For more information or interviews call:
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 202.547.1735
Cell: 540.538.4741
Kaitlin Clare: 540.538.4822