STATEMENT from Bill Gardner, Nov. 21, 2007
On the eve of Thanksgiving, a uniquely American tradition, I am pleased to announce that another unique and important American tradition will endure. New Hampshire has held the first presidential primary in the nation since 1920. This tradition has served our nation well as decades of candidates and presidents have said.
Under the authority given to me by New Hampshire law, today I am setting January 8, 2008 as the date of the New Hampshire primary.
I want to thank the candidates who filed their candidacies just weeks ago, all of whom expressed their support and willingness to participate in our grassroots democracy. I want to thank the voters and election officials of my state for their support and patience. I am also grateful for the courtesy and understanding extended to all of us by the New Hampshire and national media during recent weeks.
-William Gardner, New Hampshire Secretary of State
REACTIONS (Democrats, Republicans in alphabetical order)...
Manchester, NH – Senator Hillary Clinton issued the following statement in response to New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner setting the primary date for Tuesday, January 8, 2008.
"I support New Hampshire's special role in the primary process, and I look forward to discussing the important issues in this race with Granite State voters over the next 47 days."
DODD (4:12 PM)
MANCHESTER - Today, Senator and Presidential Candidate Chris Dodd released the following statement following New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner's announcement that the New Hampshire Primary will be held on January 8, 2007.
"By setting January 8th as the date of New Hampshire's Primary, Secretary
Gardner has provided certainty for voters and maintained New Hampshire's
traditional role as the first in the nation primary. I'm looking forward
to a vigorous campaign and presenting my record of results to the people
of New Hampshire."
Chapel Hill, North Carolina -- Senator John Edwards released the following statement in response to Bill Gardner's announcement that the New Hampshire primary will take place on January 8th:
“I am pleased that New Hampshire will retain its rightful place as the first-in-the-nation primary. I applaud Bill Gardner's work to protect New Hampshire's significance in our nominating process. The New Hampshire primary is critical because voters in New Hampshire take their responsibility seriously: they listen to the candidates, look them in the eye, ask them tough questions and size them up. In New Hampshire, ideas truly matter more than money and that is precisely why this is anyone's race.
“I look forward to campaigning across New Hampshire during the final
weeks of this campaign. I have spent time in living rooms and town
halls in every corner of the state and everywhere I go, I hear from voters
that they're looking for real, meaningful change in Washington next November.
From now until January 8, I look forward to continuing to meet with voters
to talk about my plans to shake up Washington and restore the power of
government to the hands of regular, hardworking people.”
OBAMA (4:12 PM)
MANCHESTER, NH—Senator Barack Obama’s New Hampshire campaign released the following statement today following the Secretary of State’s announcement of a date for the Primary:
“The New Hampshire Primary plays a vital role in our Democracy. It allows voters to get to know the candidates up close—to ask tough questions and see who is trustworthy to lead this country forward. We’ve built an unmatched grassroots organization in New Hampshire, and we’re looking forward to sending a clear message on Primary Day that the American people want change they can believe in.”
Governor Bill Richardson released the following statement today congratulating New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner.
"I congratulate Bill Gardner for successfully defending New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation primary and preserving the very special role played by discerning New Hampshire voters."
Rudy Giuliani’s National Political Director Mark Campbell made the following statement today regarding the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s announcement on the primary date:
“Preserving New Hampshire as the First in the Nation primary maintains
a great American political tradition. We’re working hard to win the Granite
State in the primary and are confident Rudy Giuliani is the only Republican
candidate who can win New Hampshire in the general. It’s clear Rudy Giuliani
is the only experienced candidate who can keep Americans safe in the Terrorists’
War on Us and the only proven fiscal conservative who can restore fiscal
discipline to Washington.”
HUCKABEE 9Nov. 22, 2007)
Little Rock, AR –Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee made the following comment regarding the 2008 New Hampshire presidential primary:
"Secretary of State Bill Gardner has done a wonderful job of
protecting the tradition of the New Hampshire primary. I am looking forward
to continuing my trek through the Granite State , meeting the voters one-on-one,
and earning their support on January 8th."
McCAIN (4:44 PM)
To: McCain Team
From: Rick Davis
Date: November 21, 2007
Subject: NH Announces Primary Date
The New Hampshire Secretary of State just announced that on Tuesday, January 8th, 2008 New Hampshire will hold its first in the nation presidential primary.
That means in 47 days residents of New Hampshire will go to the polls to select the person they think should be the next president of the United States.
We have less than 7 weeks to make sure that we are able to reach every voter in New Hampshire with John McCain's message of courageous service, experienced leadership, and bold solutions.
Friends, you have been part of this team from the beginning, and this is where the rubber meets the road. I need you to do two things:
Donate. Now. Even if it's $25 we need you to follow this link right now and make a donation. We can make a huge difference and fund everything we need to do if everyone who receives this email just donates $25. Please don't assume that your donation doesn't make a difference because it might be small--united we create a financial force to be reckoned with!
If you have friends and family in New Hampshire, call them or write them a note letting them know why you support John McCain and how important it is for the rest of the nation that they consider casting their vote for Senator McCain on January 8th.
As you probably know, Senator McCain left for Iraq today to spend Thanksgiving with our troops. Please join me in a prayer of Thanksgiving for the men and women who proudly serve our country and for safe travel for all of you here at home.
Thanks for all you do, now the real fun begins!
ROMNEY (4:19 PM)
Boston, MA – Today, Governor Mitt Romney issued the following statement on the New Hampshire primary date:
"It is good news that New Hampshire's traditional role in the process
has been maintained. I will work to ensure that all New Hampshire's
delegates are seated at the Convention."