Reactions to Sen. Obama's Selection of Sen. Biden as His Running Mate
(favorable, then unfavorable in no particular order)

PRESS RELEASE from the Democratic National Committee

For Immediate Release
August 23, 2008
Contact: Karen Finney


Denver, CO- Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean issued the following statement on the selection of Senator Joe Biden as Barack Obama's running mate:

"Senator Obama has made an outstanding selection in Joe Biden.  Joe Biden is a strong leader, fierce advocate, and devoted family man with values rooted in the best of what America stands for.   He will be a strong partner with Barack Obama in bringing the change America wants and needs.
"Delegates here in Denver are already buzzing with strong enthusiasm for the Obama- Biden ticket. 
"Senator Obama's selection shows that unlike the Bush-McCain way of doing politics, Obama is not afraid to have strong people around him helping to lead our great country. 
"Together they will serve America well over the next eight years, and our Party is ready to rally behind them and put them on the path to the White House starting right here in Denver."


PRESS RELEASE from Change to Win

Burger: Biden A Great Choice For American Workers And Labor

August 23, 2008

CONTACT: Noreen Nielsen
Greg Denier

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The following is a statement from Change to Win chair Anna Burger regarding presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama’s announcement today of Senator Joe Biden as his running mate for the 2008 election.

"Change to Win members and leaders are excited to see Senator Biden added to a winning Obama team. Joe Biden is a great choice for American workers and labor. He was raised in a hard working family and has always led with the values and work ethic that he learned growing up in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Joe Biden has been a friend to working Americans throughout his public life, standing up and fighting alongside us for the right to organize, for living wages, for family and medical leave, for safe workplaces, and for a strong social security system. He respects the dignity of all work and all people.

“Change to Win members have spent thousands of hours walking precincts, making phone calls, and passing out materials at our worksites since endorsing Barack Obama six months ago, and today's announcement gives us a great boost as we prepare for the convention and the hard work ahead of us before victory for Obama, Biden, and America's workers on November 4th.”

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PRESS RELEASE from the National Education Association

: Brian Washington

August 23, 2008

NEA applauds Sen. Obama for outstanding vice presidential selection

Sen. Joe Biden is a true champion for children and public education

DENVER —"Sen. Joe Biden has always been a champion for children and public education," said National Education Association President Reg Weaver.

“After eight disastrous years of the Bush administration’s failed education policies, Sen. Barack Obama’s selection of Sen. Biden as his vice presidential running mate signals a true change in the way the federal government will support the children and educators of this nation,” said Weaver.  “An Obama-Biden ticket will staunchly support public schools, lead to a stronger economy and a stronger, more secure nation.  This team will lead us to a Democratic victory in November.”

The nearly 10,000 delegates who attended the 2008 NEA Representative Assembly in July voted to recommend Sen. Obama in the U.S. presidential election.

Sen. Biden has been a loyal supporter of college aid and loan programs. He was the creator of “Kids 2000,” a federal law designed to provide educational technology to low-income and at-risk youth. He believes the Bush administration’s failed No Child Left Behind law must be overhauled to provide incentives and support to troubled schools instead of labeling them as failures and eliminating their funding.

Sen. Biden also opposes giving limited public education tax dollars to private schools through political schemes like vouchers.

“Sen. Biden believes our first priority should be to fund our public schools,” said Weaver. “He knows that public schools are the key to our security—economically, militarily, and politically. And he has always been willing to stand up and be counted for children, public schools, and public school employees.”

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PRESS RELEASE from United Steelworkers

USW Praises Sen. Biden on Joining Barack Obama’s Presidential Campaign

‘He’ll make a great U.S. Vice President with unwavering support of workers’

Contact:          Wayne Ranick 
                      Gary Hubbard 

Pittsburgh (Aug. 23) – Leo W. Gerard, International President, United Steelworkers (USW), today praised the announcement by the USW-endorsed Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama in naming U.S. Sen. Joe Biden as his vice presidential running mate.

“Today’s announcement by Presidential Candidate Barack Obama naming Senator Joseph Biden of Delaware gets our voice and full support as the best choice to assure working families the Democratic ticket provides hope for national economic change and an experienced team for American leadership in a troubled world.

Our union’s long relationship with Sen. Biden goes back to the USW being the first to endorse his bid in 1972 that first got him elected as a U.S. Senator, extends to his appearance last year at the USW’s presidential candidates’ forum in Cleveland before 1,200 Steelworkers, and remains a constant on this day.

Sen. Biden’s roots are in Scranton, PA and among the industrial plants of Delaware. His unwavering support and commitment to family will resonate for Steelworkers who know he is not just another Washington insider.

We know Joe Biden and his convictions on issues critical to Americans like his stand on stronger labor laws that assure the right of workers to join unions, universal health care and a new approach to trade policies that require enforceable labor and environmental standards.

Sen. Biden’s foreign policy experience will be a welcome breath to the debate on how our country deals with both international affairs and how we can best address the immediate challenges confronting us at home. Sen. Biden will make a great U.S. Vice President.

USW active and retired members will work every moment for the Obama-Biden Democratic ticket from this day forward to Election Day that secures change for American working families on security, peace and prosperity.”

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PRESS RELEASE from Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

Senator Obama's Choice, Joe Biden, A Good One For Gun Violence Reduction

For Immediate Release:

Contact Communications:

Washington, D.C. – The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence praised Senator Barack Obama's choice for his vice presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden.

“Joe Biden is a straight talker about the need for common sense laws to keep dangerous people from getting dangerous weapons,” said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.  “He has been a solid advocate for sensible gun laws that protect our police officers and our families.  I was proud to stand with him just weeks ago in Philadelphia when he joined with our nation’s mayors in supporting tough crime fighting laws, and also last year when police leaders urged passage of common sense measures to protect law enforcement officers.  Our nation would be well served with Joe Biden as our Vice President.”
During a Democratic Presidential debate on CNN, Senator Biden expressed concern about a man who submitted a video question asking whether the candidates would protect his “baby,” a fully loaded semiautomatic assault rifle.  Senator Biden said, “If that’s his baby, he needs help.”  Then he went on to say, “We should be working with law enforcement right now to make sure that we protect people against people who are not capable of knowing what to do with a gun because they are either mentally imbalanced and/or they have a criminal record.”

Senator Biden has a comprehensive crime bill awaiting action in the Senate (S. 2237) that would require background checks on all sales at gun shows and reauthorize the now-expired federal ban on military-style assault weapons. 

For more background on Senator Biden’s record on common sense gun laws, visit

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PRESS RELEASE from Human Rights Campaign

Brad Luna
Trevor Thomas

Human Rights Campaign Statement on Selection of Senator Joe Biden as Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate
HRC President Hails Biden as “A Proven and Effective Advocate for Fairness and Equality”

WASHINGTON– Today, the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, hailed the presumptive Democratic nominee, Senator Barack Obama’s selection of Senator Joe Biden as his Vice Presidential running mate.  During his career in Congress, Senator Biden has a proven record of fighting for and supporting issues of fairness and equality. 

“In selecting Senator Joe Biden as his running mate, Senator Obama has chosen a proven and effective advocate for fairness and equality that our entire community can be proud of,” said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese.  “Senator Biden’s record in the United States Senate is one of support and understanding that has been unwavering throughout his career.”

Recently, Senator Biden, as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, played an instrumental role in securing the passage of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), legislation which included Senator John Kerry and Senator Gordon Smith’s provision repealing the discriminatory HIV travel and immigration ban.  His working across the aisle guaranteed that the Kerry-Smith provision was adopted.  Furthermore, when opponents of the provision attempted to garner support to strip the provision from the bill, Senator Biden fought to keep the provision in the bill and helped secure the votes for PEPFAR'S final passage.
“We only need to look back to the recent passage of the repeal of the HIV travel and immigration ban to see the type of leadership we can expect from Senator Biden on the issues important to our community,” continued Solmonese.  “It was because of his determination and tenacity that we were able to see this relic of discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS torn down.”

“If the support Senator Biden has proven on our issues is any indication of the type of Vice President he will be than our community can be assured that Senator Obama has chosen a thoughtful and staunch advocate for equality as his closest adviser,” concluded Solmonese.

The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality. By inspiring and engaging all Americans, HRC strives to end discrimination against GLBT citizens and realize a nation that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all.

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Highlights of Senator Joe Biden’s Record of Support for the GLBT Community

101st Congress (1989-1990): Overall Scorecard Rating 90%
102nd Congress (1991-1992):  Overall Scorecard Rating 91%
103rd Congress (1993-1994):  Overall Scorecard Rating 89%
104th Congress (1995-1996):  Overall Scorecard Rating 78%
105th Congress (1997-1998):  Overall Scorecard Rating 83%
106th Congress (1999-2000): Overall Scorecard Rating 86%
107th Congress (2001-2002):  Overall Scorecard Rating 100%
108th Congress (2003-2004):  Overall Scorecard Rating 63%
109th Congress (2005-2006):  Overall Scorecard Rating 78%

●  Helms Amendment – Hate Crimes Statistics Act (February 8, 1990)
Senator Helms offered an amendment to a hate crimes statistics bill (S. AMDT. 1251 to S. 419) stating that “the homosexual movement threatens the strength and survival of the American family” and that “state sodomy laws should be enforced.”  The Helms amendment failed 19-77 (Record Vote No. 12).  HRC opposed this amendment.  Biden also opposed it.

●  District of Columbia’s Health Care Benefits Expansion Act (July 30, 1992)
Senator Brock Adams (D-WA) offered a procedural motion to block attempts to repeal the District of Columbia’s Health Care Benefits Expansion Act, a measure adopted by the D.C. Council to provide D.C. government employees the opportunity to purchase health care coverage for their domestic partners.  The motion failed 41-51 and implementation of the D.C. law was subsequently prohibited by Congress.  HRC supported this motion.  Biden also supported it.

●  Justice Clarence Thomas Confirmation (October 15, 1991)
The Senate voted on President George H.W. Bush’s nomination of Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court.  The Senate confirmed his nomination 52-48 (Record Vote No. 220).  HRC opposed this nomination.  Biden also opposed it.

●  Hate Crimes Sentencing Enhancement (November 4, 1993)
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) offered an amendment to the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1993 (S. AMDT. 1097 to S. 1607) to increase penalties for federal crimes motivated by the victim’s sexual orientation and other characteristics.  The Feinstein Amendment was the first piece of federal legislation to provide protection on the basis of sexual orientation.  The amendment passed 95-4 (Record Vote No. 351).  HRC supported this amendment.  Biden also supported it.

●  Codification of the Ban on Gays and Lesbians in the Military (September 9, 1993)
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) offered an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 1994 (S. AMDT. 783 to S. 1298) to prevent codification of the discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy on lesbians and gays in the military.  The amendment failed 33-63 (Record Vote No. 250).  HRC supported this amendment.  Biden also supported it.

●  District of Columbia’s Domestic Partners Ordinance (July 27, 1993)
An amendment was offered to allow the District of Columbia to implement its ordinance allowing unmarried couples or partners to register with the D.C. government, making them eligible for group health insurance offered to D.C. government employees for a higher premium.  It failed 43-55 (Record Vote No. 217).  HRC supported this amendment.  Biden also supported it.

●  Employment Non-Discrimination Act (September 10, 1996)
In its first test in Congress, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (S. 932), which would prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, came within one vote of passage in the Senate.  Senator David Pryor (D-AR), who supported ENDA, missed the vote for a family emergency.  The bill failed 49-50 (Record Vote No. 281).  HRC supported this bill.  Biden also supported it.

●  Hate Crimes Amendment to Defense Authorization (June 20, 2000)
Senators Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Gordon Smith (R-OR) introduced the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, renamed the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act, as an amendment to the fiscal year 2001 defense authorization bill (S. AMDT. 3473 to S. 2549).  The Kennedy-Smith amendment would extend basic hate crime protections to all Americans in all communities by adding real or perceived sexual orientation, gender and disability to the categories covered and by removing the federally protected activity requirement.  This amendment was overwhelmingly approved 57-42 (Record Vote No. 136).  HRC supported this amendment.  Biden also supported it.

●  Federal Marriage Amendment (July 14, 2004)
The Federal Marriage Amendment (S.J. Res 40), introduced in the Senate by Senator Wayne Allard (R-CO), would have enshrined discrimination into the U.S. Constitution by defining marriage as the union between one man and one woman and prohibiting federal and state laws from conferring same-sex couples with marital status and “the legal incidents thereof,” thereby endangering civil unions and domestic partnership benefits.  The amendment needed a two-thirds majority (67) to be passed in the Senate and a three-fifths majority (60) to proceed to a vote on the amendment (cloture).  The cloture motion failed 48-50 (Record Vote No. 155).  HRC opposed this cloture motion.  Biden also opposed it.

●  Federal Marriage Amendment (June 7, 2006)
The Marriage Protection Amendment (formerly called the Federal Marriage Amendment) (S.J. Res. 1) would have enshrined discrimination into the U.S. Constitution by defining marriage as the union between one man and one woman and prohibiting federal and state laws from conferring same-sex couples with marital status and “the legal incidents thereof.”  The amendment would thereby endanger civil unions and domestic partnership benefits.  The amendment failed by a vote of 49-48, falling 11 votes short of the 60 necessary to invoke cloture, a procedural motion to advance to a vote on the substance of the bill (Record Vote No. 163).  The amendment would have needed 67 votes (two-thirds majority) to pass.  HRC opposed this amendment.  Biden also opposed it.

●  Justice Samuel Alito Confirmation (January 31, 2006)
The Senate voted on President W. Bush’s nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court.  The Senate confirmed his nomination 58-42 (Record Vote No. 2).  HRC opposed this nomination.  Biden also opposed it.

●  Judge William Pryor Confirmation (June 9, 2005)
The Senate voted on President Bush’s nomination of Judge William Pryor to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals.  The Senate confirmed his nomination 53-45 (Record Vote No. 133).  HRC opposed this nomination.  Biden also opposed it.

PRESS RELEASE from Hillary Clinton for President

For Immediate Release
August 23, 2008
Contact: Press Office,
Hillary Clinton made the following statement today after receiving news that Senator Obama had chosen Senator Biden as his Vice Presidential nominee:

"In naming my colleague and friend Senator Joe Biden to be the Vice Presidential nominee, Senator Obama has continued in the best traditions for the Vice Presidency by selecting an exceptionally strong, experienced leader and devoted public servant.  Senator Biden will be a purposeful and dynamic Vice President who will help Senator Obama both win the Presidency and govern this great country."

PRESS RELEASES from John McCain 2008


For Immediate Release Contact: Ben Porritt
Saturday, August 23, 2008

ARLINGTON, VA -- Today, McCain spokesman Ben Porritt issued the following statement on Barack Obama's selection of Joe Biden as his running mate:

"There has been no harsher critic of Barack Obama's lack of experience than Joe Biden. Biden has denounced Barack Obama's poor foreign policy judgment and has strongly argued in his own words what Americans are quickly realizing -- that Barack Obama is not ready to be President."



For Immediate Release Contact: Press Office
Saturday, August 23, 2008

ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today released its latest television ad, entitled "Biden." As the ad highlights, before he was selected to run on the Democratic ticket, Joe Biden questioned Barack Obama's lack of experience and said he would be "honored" to run with John McCain. The ad will air in key states.


Script For "Biden" (TV :30)

ANNCR: What does Barack Obama's running mate say about Barack Obama?

ABC'S GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You were asked, "Is he ready?" You said, "I think he can be ready but right now, I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training."

JOE BIDEN: I think that I stand by the statement.

ANNCR: And what does he say about John McCain?

BIDEN: I would be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would be better off.

JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.

AD FACTS: Script For "Biden" (TV :30)

ANNCR: What does Barack Obama's running mate say about Barack Obama? ABC'S GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You were asked, "Is he ready?" You said, "I think he can be ready but right now, I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training." JOE BIDEN: I think that I stand by the statement.

· Joe Biden Said Obama Is Not Ready To Serve As President. ABC's George Stephanopoulos: "You were asked is he ready. You said 'I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.'" Sen. Biden: "I think that I stand by the statement." (ABC's, "This Week," 8/19/07)

ANNCR: And what does he say about John McCain?BIDEN: Iwould be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would be better off. JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.

· Joe Biden Said He'd Be Honored To Run With McCain.Comedy Central's Jon Stewart: "You may end up going against a Senate colleague, perhaps McCain, perhaps Frist?" Sen. Biden: "John McCain is a personal friend, a great friend, and I would be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would be better off -- be well off no matter who..." Stewart: "Did I hear, Did I hear with?" Sen. Biden: "You know, John McCain and I think" Stewart: "Don't become cottage cheese my friend. Say it." Sen. Biden: "The answer is yes." (Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" 8/2/05)


PRESS RELEASE from the Republican National Committee

RNC Launches Biden Gaffe Clock - August 23, 2008 at 3:31 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTONThe Republican National Committee (RNC) launched a new clock today counting the time until Sen. Joe Biden’s next gaffe.

Just 12 hours after being chosen as Barack Obama’s running mate, Biden made his first gaffe at 3:31 p.m. EDT.  The RNC’s new clock will count the hours, minutes and seconds until Biden’s next slip up on the campaign trail.

PRESS RELEASE from Republican Party of Virginia

Obama’s weaknesses highlighted by veep pick

Virginians and Biden agree: “The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training”

Richmond, Virginia(August 23, 2008) – Early this morning, Democrat Presidential nominee Barack Obama sidestepped Virginia Governor Tim Kaine as his running mate by tapping U.S. Senator Joe Biden to be his running-mate.

Biden, a senior member of the Senate and a point person within the Democratic Party on foreign policy, was perhaps Obama’s biggest critic during the primary season. Earlier this year, Biden was asked if Obama was ready to be president. Biden responded: “I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.”

The selection signals that the Obama campaign seems to agree with Biden’s assessment of Obama’s lack of experience to be president, as well as a change in strategy. First elected to the Senate in 1972, Biden represents the Washington insider and status quoimage Obama has sought to be the antithesis of, and to be a change agent against.

“It's clear that Barack Obama is nervous about this election, because he is obviously compensating for his significant lack of experience. Obama has selected a running-mate who doesn't believe he is ready to be President, and so I guess even Obama himself is concerned that 3 years out of the Illinois State Senate is hardly enough to prepare one to be commander-in-chief and the leader of the free world,” said Delegate Jeffrey M. Frederick, Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia.

“I think that while most Virginians very much disagree with Senator Biden’s views on raising taxes on hard-working families; his strong opposition to Second-Amendment rights; and his opposition to offshore drilling, I know Virginians share the Senator’s view that Barack Obama is just simply not ready to be President of the United States – and that ‘the country would be better off’ with John McCain in the White House,” Frederick added.


PRESS RELEASE from Fidelis

Choice of Biden Re-Opens Catholic Wound - Own Bishop Outspoken on Obligation to Protect Life

August 23, 2008
CHICAGO – The selection of Delaware Senator Joseph Biden as the vice presidential running mate of Barack Obama poses a major challenge for American Catholics, according to Fidelis, a national Catholic-based advocacy group.

Fidelis warned late last month that a pro-abortion Catholic choice as a vice presidential candidate would offend many Catholics who have struggled with the scandal of prominent pro-abortion Catholic politicians like Senator Biden.

Fidelis President Brian Burch commented, “Barack Obama has re-opened a wound among American Catholics by picking a pro-abortion Catholic politician. The American bishops have made clear that Catholic political leaders must defend the dignity of every human person, including the unborn.  Sadly, Joe Biden’s tenure in the United States Senate has been marked by steadfast support for legal abortion.”

During the recent Democratic primary campaign Biden said: “I am a long-standing supporter of Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to choose.”

In 2004, John Kerry’s support for abortion sparked a nationwide controversy over whether Catholics who support legal abortion can receive Communion. The debate was re-activated in 2007 when several bishops criticized Rudy Guiliani, also a pro-abortion Catholic.

“Now everywhere Biden campaigns, we’ll have this question of whether a pro-abortion Catholic can receive Communion. Senator Biden is an unrepentant supporter of abortion in direct opposition to the Church he claims as his own. Selecting a pro-abortion Catholic is a slap in the face to Catholic voters,” said Burch.

Biden's own bishop, Bishop Michael Saltarelli of Wilmington, Del., has said that the issues pertaining to the sanctity of human life are the "great civil rights issues of this generation.”
Bishop Saltarelli denounced the notion that politicians can 'personally oppose' abortion, but refuse to pass laws protecting the unborn.

"No one today would accept this statement from any public servant: 'I am personally opposed to human slavery and racism but will not impose my personal conviction in the legislative arena.' Likewise, none of us should accept this statement from any public servant: "I am personally opposed to abortion but will not impose my personal conviction in the legislative arena,” said Bishop Saltarelli.

In fact, Bishop Saltarelli made clear that pro-abortion Catholic politicians should refrain from receiving the Eucharist.

"The promotion of abortion by any Catholic is a grave and serious matter. Objectively, according to the constant teaching of the Scriptures and the Church, it would be more spiritually beneficial for such a person to refrain from receiving the Body and Blood of Christ.  I ask Catholics in this position to have the integrity to respect the Eucharist, Catholic teaching and the Catholic faithful.”

Burch concluded: “The American bishops have instructed Catholic voters to consider many issues, but have characterized the defense of human life as ‘foundational’ and have explained that the issue has a special claim on the conscience of the Catholic voter.  This means that a political candidate like Biden, because of his strong support for abortion rights, forfeits any claim for support despite his views on other issues like health care and the economy.”


FRC Action Releases Fact Sheet on Family Record of Senator Joe Biden

August, 23 2008


Washington D.C. - Early this morning the presumptive Democratic nominee for President, Senator Barack Obama (D-Ill.) named fellow Senator Joseph Biden (D-Del.) as his vice presidential running mate. Senator Biden was first elected to the Senate in 1972 and has a long record on issues important to the family. For your convenience, FRCAction, the legislative action arm of Family Research Council has compiled a list of recent votes on key issues.

On Roe v. Wade

"I strongly support Roe v. Wade. . . That's why I led the fight to defeat Bork, Roberts Alito, and Thomas." 2007 South Carolina Democratic primary debate, MSNBC April 26, 2007

On protecting the unborn child or minors in cases of abortion

Voted against defining the unborn child as eligible for SCHIP: Amends the definition of the term "targeted low-income child" to provide that such term includes the period from conception to birth, for eligibility for child health assistance. S.Amdt. to S.ConRes.70, Senator Allard Amendment, Roll Call 08-S81, March 14, 2008

Voted against stopping ne'er-do-well adults taking minors across state lines for an abortion: S.Amdt 4335 to S.Con.Res. 70, Roll Call 08-S71, March 13, 2008.

Voted against parental notification of minors who get out-of-state abortions: S.403, Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, Roll Call 06-216, July 25, 2006

Voted against the Unborn Victims of Violence Act: Bill makes it a criminal offense to harm or kill a fetus during the commission of a violent crime. S.1019/H.R. 1997, Unborn Victims of Violence Act, Roll Call 04-63, March 25, 2004

Voted for the Partial Birth Abortion Ban: S. 1692, Partial Birth Abortion Ban, Roll Call 99-340, October 21, 1999 (He did not vote on the one that became law in the 108th Congress.)

On taxpayer funding

Voted for increasing taxpayer funding for destructive embryonic stem cell experimentation: S.5/H.R. 3, Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, Roll Call 07-127, April 11, 2007

Voted for increasing funding to Planned Parenthood and similar clinics by $100 million: S.Amdt. 244 to S.Con.Res 18, Appropriation to expand access to preventive health care services, Roll Call 05-75, March 17, 2005

Voted for taxpayer funding of abortions on military bases: S. 2549, Roll Call 00-134, June 20, 2000

Voted against banning human cloning: Motion to proceed for S. 1601, Roll Call 98-10, February 11, 1998.

NOTE: Senator Biden co-sponsored the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) in the 102nd and 103rd Congresses but has not since. FOCA would overturn hundreds of state laws on the books that limit abortion.


Voted against the Marriage Protection Amendment: S.J.Res. 1, Roll Call 06-163, June 7, 2006.

Vote for the Defense of Marriage Act: H.R. 3396, Roll Call 96-280, September 10, 1996.

Voted in favor of the Federal Hate Crimes Act: Thought crimes amendment to the Department of Defense Authorization that would establish federal "hate crimes" for certain violent acts based on the actual or perceived race, religion, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation of any person. S. Amdt. 3035, Roll Call No. 07-350, September 27, 2007.

For allowing gays in the military: 2007 Dem. debate at Saint Anselm College June 3, 2007.


Voted against confirming Samuel Alito (January, 2006), John Roberts (September, 2005) and Clarence Thomas (October, 1991) for the Supreme Court.

0% in the FRC Action Scorecard for the 110th Congress.
100% in the Planned Parenthood Scorecard for the 109th Congress.
100% in Americans United Scorecard for the 109th Congress.
78% in the Human Rights Campaign Scorecard for the 109th Congress.
F grade from the National Taxpayers Union Congressional Rating
F grade from the National Rifle Association.

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PRESS RELEASE from Dr. Robert Leonard/Leonard Hair Transplant Associates via PRNewswire

Vice Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Draws Attention to Hair Transplants

CRANSTON, R.I., Aug. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- A quick look at political figures worldwide shows that many high profile leaders have had hair transplants to avoid baldness -- some less successful than others.

"Hair loss is no laughing matter, and a bad or patchy hair transplant can have serious repercussions," says Dr. Robert Leonard, New England's hair restoration specialist (

Take Democrat Vice Presidential nominee, Senator Joe Biden of Delaware, for example, who famously underwent hair plug surgery and was widely referenced for it during the Anita Hill senate hearings. He is being criticized again today now that he is back in the political spotlight.

"The results of hair plug restoration techniques of yesteryear are not always pretty. Senator Biden's procedure was very obvious back then - and is still evident to the naked eye today, which is not reflective of today's hair restoration capabilities," said Dr. Leonard.

"In contrast, there are many men, including politicians, who have had successful procedures. I just returned from a hair restoration workshop in Italy, where Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has had great results with new hair restoration procedures," said Dr. Robert Leonard. "His transplants look natural, full and seamless - just the way a successful hair transplant should look."

Today there are new procedures that involve transplanting grafts of hair-bearing skin that contain only one to three hairs, a large improvement from the abandoned "hair plug" method where 25 to 30 hairs per graft were transplanted.

Dr. Robert Leonard has treated men and women with hair loss for over 22 years and recently co-directed the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery's (ISHRS) first-of-its-kind interactive hair restoration surgical workshop in Rome, Italy. In addition, Dr. Leonard is past president and an active member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, and has offices in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Hampshire.

For more information on Dr. Robert Leonard or Leonard Hair Transplant Associates, call 1-888-284-9558 or visit

Note to Editors:

Dr. Robert Leonard is available for interview upon request

High resolution images available for publication upon request