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The Constitution Party held its national convention on April 23-26, 2008 at the Kansas City Marriott Hotel Downtown in Kansas City, MO.
Delegates selected Chuck Baldwin of Pensacola, FL as the party's presidential nominee over Alan Keyes by a margin of 383.8 to 125.7 with 4.5 votes to Riekse, 1 to Ducey and 1 to Imperato.  The vice presidential nominee is Darrel Castle, an attorney who is the CP national vice-chairman. [Sept. 18, 2007 press release announcing Kansas City as convention site]

Chuck Baldwin of Pensacola, FL
Constitution Party vice presidential nominee in 2004.  Founder-pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida.  Radio talk show host; "Chuck Baldwin Live" started in Aug. 1994 and is a daily, one-hour call-in show that made a national debut in early May 2001 on the Genesis Communications Network.  Pensacola chairman, and then state chairman of the Florida Moral Majority, 1980-84.  Bible diploma from Thomas Road Bible Institute (now known as the Liberty Bible Institute); Bachelor of Theology and Master of Theology degrees via external degree programs from Christian Bible College in Rocky Mount, NC.  Born May 3, 1952 in LaPorte, IN
and grew up there.  Author of two books: "Subjects Seldom Spoken On" and "This Is The Life."

Don’t miss Alan’s announcement on April 15 in Hazleton, PA!

Alan has chosen April 15 to make a major announcement about his intentions, and his reasons for them, in this year’s U.S. presidential race — a highly irregular, undemocratic, media-controlled electoral process that appears aimed at giving voters little or no say about who ultimately governs them.

For an inkling of what Alan is planning, see the deceased pachyderm at the bottom of

Alan’s announcement will take place in a press conference that will be streamed live at from the Best Western hotel in Hazleton, PA, Tuesday evening, April 15.  The exact time is still pending.

Alan Keyes exits GOP!

April 16, 2008

HAZLETON, Penn. — On Tuesday, former Republican presidential candidate Alan Keyes officially announced his split with the Republican Party, at a press conference held in Hazleton, PA.

Saying the Republican Party "has become a dark and confusing place," and "there are clear signs that our leaders no longer have an allegiance to the sovereign people of the United States," Keyes added that he is considering running for president on the Constitution Party ticket in the 2008 general election.

The city of Hazleton made news for taking a firm stand against illegal immigration when it passed the Illegal Immigration Relief Act in 2006.

A life-long Republican, Keyes was a diplomat in the Reagan administration who served as Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations, Ambassador to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and staff member of the National Security Council.

Copyright © 2008  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action