ARIZONA | 10 Electoral Votes |
(Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Arizona Secretary of State)
Arizona has: 15 counties. Two largest counties: Maricopa, Pima. > Five largest cities: Phoenix, Tucson, Mesa, Glendale, Chandler. > Notes: Arizona had the second-fastest growing population of any state in the country from July 1, 2007 to July 1, 2008, growing at a rate of 2.3%, a numerical increase of 146,759. From July 1, 2006 to July 1, 2007Maricopa County had the highest numerical growth of any county in the country, experiencing a population increase of 101,583; the population of Pinal County (near Phoenix) was the third fastest growing county during this period, 11.5%. Government
of Arizona Secretary of State AZ
Democratic Party |
Voting eligible population*: 4,096,006. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 56.0%. Early voting began Oct. 2, 2008. Early ballots requested: 1,347,428. Early ballots returned: 1,233,333. Early ballots counted: 1,227,267...this is 52.88% of the 2,320,951 ballots cast. Total Registration: 2,987,451 active + |
Overview Sen. McCain won his home state, although the Obama campaign ran some late ads here. Also of note, Republicans' registration advantage had been reduced from 5.33 percentage points (140,988) in Nov. 2004 to 3.22 percentage points (96,335) in Nov. 2008. (+) Nonetheless the McCain-Palin ticket carried 11 counties to four for Obama-Biden, gaining a plurality of 195,404 votes (8.52 percentage points). Obama/Allies | McCain/Allies | Nader |
Registration, Jan. 7, 2008: Rep. 1,042,294 (38.42%) Dem. 904,741 (33.35%) Lib. 17,704 (0.65%) Other 748,331(27.58%) Total 2,713,070. |
Democrats 67 Delegates (56 Pledged and 11 Unpledged) and 9 Alternates. 1.65% of the 4,049 Delegate Votes. 1.58% of 4,234 Delegate Votes. Organization: Clinton
| Obama
Official Results
Republicans 53 Delegates: 3 RNC; 26 at-large; 24 by CD (3 x 8 CDs) and 50 alternates 2.23% of the 2,380 Delegates. At-large and CD delegates allocated winner-take-all in the primary. Organization: Huckabee
| McCain
| Paul
| Romney
Official Results
[Also Note. Arizona Democrats were among the ten state parties along with DC that applied [PDF] to the DNC, at the Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting on April 20, 2006, to go in the pre-window period; however, the DNC selected Nevada to hold an early caucus].
Election (Secretary
of State)
"The filing period for
in the Presidential Preference Election begins on November 27, 2007,
ends December 17, 2007, at 5:00 p.m.."
-Registration closes Jan. 7, 2008 at midnight.
-"In 2007, the Arizona Legislature moved the beginning of the Presidential Preference Election early voting period from 15 days to 26 days before the election. See Ariz. Sess. Laws 2007, Ch. 168."
On Dec. 18, 2007 the Secretary of State certified the ballot order.
Voting Eligible
Population: 3,717,055. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 54.1%. Early voting began Sept. 30, 2004. Early ballots requested: 938,409. Early ballots returned: 839,714. Early ballots counted: 830,455...this is 40.75% of the 2,038,069 ballots cast. Registration: Rep. 1,055,252 (39.92%), Dem. 914,264 (34.59%), Lib. 18,261 (0.69%), Other 655,554 (24.80%) ...Total 2,643,331. |
Overview Although Arizona was classified as a battleground state, Bush more than doubled his plurality, winning by 210,770 votes (10.47 percentage points). 480,569 more votes were cast in the presidential race in 2004 than in 2000, a 31.4% increase. As in 2000 Bush carried 11 counties including the largest, Maricopa County, while the Democratic ticket won in four counties (Apache and Coconino in the North and Pima and Santa Cruz in the South) (results by county). General Election Details Kerry/Allies | Bush-Cheney '04 |
General Election -- Tuesday, November 7, 2000 |
Voting Eligible Population:
3,357,701. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 45.6%. Arizona had the third lowest turnout as a percentage of voting eligible population after Hawaii and Nevada. Early ballots requested: 643,987. Early ballots counted: 578,215...this is 37.08% of the 1,559,520 ballots cast. Registration: Rep. 942,078 (43.35%) Dem. 830,904 (38.24%) Lib. 12,576 (0.58%) Grn. 3,807 (0.18%) NLP 101 (0.00%) Reform 1,588 (0.07%) Other 382,068 (16.66%) ...Total 2,173,122. |
Overview In the 1992 and 1996 presidential elections, Arizona ended up as one of the closest states; Bush won by about 30,000 votes or less than 3% in 1992 and Clinton won by about 30,000 votes or less than 3% in 1996. This time around the state went a bit more solidly back into the Republican column as Gov. Bush won with a plurality of 96,311 votes (6.29 percentage points). Libertarian Harry Browne was kept off the ballot in the state where he achieved his strongest 1996 showing because of a conflict that split the state party into two factions. In addition to candidate races, Arizona voters faced 14 propositions on the Nov. 7 ballot. General Election Activity |
and 1996 General Elections
Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action. |