CALIFORNIA | 55 Electoral Votes |
Population (Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Calif. Secretary of State)
California has: 58 counties. Nine counties over 1 million: Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, San Bernardino, Riverside, Santa Clara, Alameda, Sacramento, and Contra Costa. > Four cities over 500,000: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco. > Government
Home Page Secretary of State American
Indep. Party Los
Angeles Times |
Voting Eligible Population*: 21,993,429. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 61.7%. Mail in voting began on Oct. 6, 2008. Last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot was Oct. 28, 2008. Vote by Mail: 5,722,465 [41.64% of Total Voters]. Total Registration: 17,304,091. Registration Deadline: Oct. 20, 2008. |
Overview The Obama-Biden ticket easily won California, gaining a plurality of 3,262,692 votes (24.06 percentage points), and carrying 34 counties to 24 for McCain. Both campaigns milked the state for money (visits) and "Tonight Show" appearances. In third party news the AIP disaffiliated from the Constitution Party and ran Alan Keyes as its nominee rather than Chuck Baldwin. Obama/Allies | McCain/Allies | Nader |
Registration, Jan. 22, 2008: Dem. 6,749,406 (42.95%) Rep. 5,229,425 (33.28%) AIP 328,261 (2.09%) Grn. 127,042 (0.81%) Lib. 80,435 (0.51%) P&F 57,182 (0.36%) Misc. 97,838 (0.62%) Decline 3,043,164 (19.37%) Total 15,712,753. |
registered as Decline to State (more than 19% of the California
electorate) could participate in the Democratic or American Independent
Party primary. According to the Secretary
of State's website: "Political parties have until 135 days prior to
an election to provide a written notice to the Secretary of State
the adoption of a rule allowing decline to state voters to vote the
of that individual party. The deadline for the February 5, 2008
Primary Election was September 23, 2007." Only the Democrats and
AIP submitted letters. (Note that in Los Angeles County the
layout for decline-to-state voters caused some problems [the
"double bubble"]).
Turnout: Nine million Californians
voted in the primary. "57.71% of registered voters cast ballots
the February election, marking the highest primary turnout on a
basis since 1980." 41.7% of ballots were cast by mail. -Calif.
Secretary of State
441 Delegates (370 Pledged, 71 Unpledged) and 62 Alternates. 1, 2, 3-[PDF] 10.89% of the 4,049 Delegate Votes. 10.42% of the 4,234 Delegate Votes. Clinton
| Obama
Official Results
173 Delegates: 3 RNC; 11 at-large; 159 by CD (3 x 53) and 170 alternates. 7.27% of the 2,380 Delegates. Allocation: At-large statewide "winner-take-all." CD winner-take-all by district. Huckabee
| McCain
| Paul
| Romney
Official Results
Voting Eligible Population: 21,132,533. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 58.8%. Registration: Dem. 7,120,425 (43.00%) Rep. 5,745,518 (34.70%) AIP 326,763 (1.97%) Grn. 160,579 (0.97%) Lib. 89,617 (0.54%) NL 28,779 (0.17%) P&F 68,100 (0.41%) Misc. 91,581 (0.55%) Decline 2,925,901 (17.67%) ...Total 16,557,273 |
Overview Although Republicans had made some headway by electing Gov. Schwarzenegger and cutting the Democrats' registration edge, California remained a "safe Kerry" state. Kerry gained a plurality of 1,235,859 votes (9.98 percentage points); he won in 22 counties to Bush's 36. General Election Details Kerry/Democrats | Bush-Cheney '04 |
General Election -- Tuesday, November 7, 2000 |
Eligible Population: 19,685,258. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 55.7%. 2,739,155
of the 11,142,843 total votes cast were by absentee ballot -- 24.58%. Registration: Dem. 7,134,601 (45.4%) Rep. 5,485,492 (34.9%) AIP 321,838 (2.1%) Grn. 138,734 (0.9%) Lib. 94,900 (0.6%) Ref. 79,152 (0.5%) NL 58,275 (0.4%) Misc. 137,999 (0.9%) Decline 2,256,316 (14.4%) ...Total 15,707,307 |
Overview Brash talk and a significant investment of resources by the Bush campaign and the Republican party failed to pry California's 54 electors out of the Democratic column. As in other recent statewide elections, the Democrats' registration edge of about 10% held solid; Vice President Gore won with a plurality of 1,293,774 votes (11.80 percentage points). Los Angeles County weighed in heavily, producing a plurality of more than 800,000 votes for Gore. Overall, Gore won in 20 counties to Bush's 38. Early in the campaign it appeared Ralph Nader might be a factor. From Aug. 1 to Election Day he spent 13 days campaigning in Calif., but he ended up not having much impact on Gore's showing. Pat Buchanan failed to make a mark despite significant TV buys. General Election Activity |
1992 and 1996 General Elections |
Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action. |