MASSACHUSETTS | 12 Electoral Votes |
(Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Secretary of the Commonwealth) Total Population, July 1, 2008 est. 6,497,967 Total Registration, Oct. 15, 2008 4,220,488 Dem. 1,559,464 (36.95%) Rep. 490,259 (11.62%) Unenrolled 2,141,878 (50.75%) Grn-Rbw 6,728 WF 5,534 More 16,625 Massachusetts has: 43 cities and 308 towns; 14 counties. Largest counties: Middlesex, Worcester, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk. > Largest cities: Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Lowell. > Government
of Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth Constitution
Party of MA Boston
Voting Eligible Population*: 4,652,749. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 66.2%. Total Registration: 4,220,488. |
Including 22,010 blanks, 3,102,995 total votes were cast. |
Overview The Obama-Biden ticket carried the Bay State with a plurality of 795,243 votes (25.81 percentage points). Independent candidate Ralph Nader provided one of the highlights of the Massachusetts campaign with a marathon day of speeches on Oct. 25. The only appearances by the major party principals were for fundraisers: John McCain in Boston on June 12, Barack Obama in Boston on Aug. 4, and Joe Biden in Boston and Holyoke on Sept. 10. Obama/Allies | McCain/Allies | Nader |
Democrats 121 Delegates (93 Pledged, 28 Unpledged) and 16 Alternates. 2.99% of the 4,049 Delegate Votes. Clinton
| Obama
Sen. John Kerry
(D) was seen
as a possible candidate but ruled out a run on Official Results
Republicans 43 Delegates: 3 RNC; 10 at-large; 30 by CD (3 x 10 CDs). 1.81% of the 2,380 Delegates. Delegate allocation: At-large proportional with 15% threshold; CD proportional with 15% threshold. Huckabee
| McCain
| Romney
Official Results
Jared Ball 42, Ralph Nader
744, Elaine Brown 38, Kat Swift 60, Cynthia McKinney 474, Kent Mesplay
39, No Preference 194, All Other 273, Blank 77; Total 1,941
Ballot Access
From the Secretary of the
There are three ways for the names of presidential candidates to be placed on the presidential primary ballot:
-Candidates may file nomination papers with at least 2,500 certified signatures. For primary ballot placement, signatures of at least 2,500 voters must be certified by local election officials and subsequently filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth.*Registration: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 is the last day to register to vote or to change party enrollment for the February 5 primary.
-The Secretary of the Commonwealth may place candidates on the ballot who have been generally advocated or recognized in the national news media.
-The chairperson of each party’s state committee may designate names to be listed.
Setting the Primary
Secretary of State William
Galvin led a late push to move the 2008 presidential primary date from
March 4 to February 5 in an effort to increase the Commonwealth's
in the elections. The measure made quick progress through the
Court. On Nov. 14, 2007 the Joint Committee on Election Laws
out favorably legislation to change the date in 2008. The bill
both Houses the week of Nov. 19, 2007, and Gov. Deval Patrick (D)
it into law on Nov. 26, 2007.
Voting Eligible Population: 4,533,859. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 64.2%. Registration: Dem. 1,526,711 (37.25%) Rep. 532,319 (12.99%) Lib. 23,900 (0.58%) GrnRnb. 9,509 (0.23%) Other 2,000,062 (48.80%) ... Total 4,098,634. |
Including 15,067 blanks, 2,927,455 total votes were cast. |
Overview Native son John Kerry carried Massachusetts with a solid plurality of 732,691 votes (25.16 percentage points). |
Election -- Tuesday, November 7, 2000
Voting Eligible Population: 4,517,052. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 59.9%. Registration: Dem. 1,460,881 (36.4%) Rep. 546,333 (13.6%) Lib. 16,071 (0.4%) Unenrolled, Other 1,985,511(49.5%) ... Total 4,008,796. |
Including 31,022 blanks, 2,734,006 total votes were cast. |
Overview Solidly Democratic Massachusetts went solidly for Gore as he won the state's 12 electoral votes with a plurality of 737,985 votes (27.30 percentage points). Gore carried all counties. Ralph Nader's 6.42% was his third best showing of any state. Massachusetts came to the fore on Oct. 3 when the first presidential debate was held at UMass in Boston; both sides mobilized their supporters, and Ralph Nader, Pat Buchanan and Harry Browne were also on hand in the city. Gore and Lieberman had also visited the state earlier, holding a rally and a fundraising gala in Boston on Sept. 13. |
Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action. |