MARYLAND | 10 Electoral Votes |
(Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Maryland State Board of Elections) Total Population, July 2008 est. 5,633,597 Total Registration, Oct. 31, 2008 > 3,432,645 Dem. 1,946,823 (56.71%) Rep. 927,798 (27.03%) Grn. 8,348 (0.24%) Con. 100 Ind. 10,235 (0.30%) Lib. 7,058 (0.21%) Unaff. 485,654 (14.15%) Other 46,587 (1.08%) Maryland has: 23 counties and Baltimore city. Largest counties: Montgomery, Prince George's, Baltimore (county), Baltimore (city), Anne Arundel. > Government
of Maryland State Board of Elections Secretary of State Constitution
Party of MD Baltimore
Voting Eligible Population*: 3,888,726. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 67.7%. Absentee ballots returned: 208,201 (Dem. 121,876, Rep. 56,873, Others 29,452). Total Registration: 3,432,645. |
Overview Obama amassed a plurality of 669,605 votes (25.45 percentage points), more than twice that achieved by Kerry in 2004, and carried 6 counties and Baltimore City to 17 counties for McCain. The major focus for Maryland activists was helping out in battleground Virginia. In terms of visits, McCain spoke at the National Guard Association conference in Baltimore on Sept. 21 and appeared at a fundraiser in Baltimore on July 22; Joe Biden appeared at a fundraiser in Baltimore on Sept. 23; and Ralph Nader made a couple of trips. Obama/Allies | McCain/Allies | Nader |
Registration, Jan. 31, 2008: Dem. 1,731,900 (55.26%) Rep. 889,600 (28.38%) Grn. 8,045 (0.26%) Lib. 5,275 (0.17%) Unaff. 448,509 (14.31%) Other 50,748 (1.62%) Total 3,134,077 |
Democrats 99 Delegates (70 Pledged, 29 Unpledged) and 12 Alternates. 2.45% of the 4,049 Delegate Votes. Official Results
Republicans 37 Delegates: 3 RNC; 10 at-large; 24 by CD (3 x 8 CDs). 1.55% of the 2,380 Delegates. Allocation: At-large is winner-take-all per statewide vote. CD is winner-take-all per CD. Huckabee
| McCain
| Paul
Official Results
Setting the Primary
State Democratic Party
Terry Lierman sought to move the primary from the first Tuesday in
to the second Tuesday in February (March 4 to February 12) in
election years, when it would coincide with the primary in neighboring
Virginia. He had the support of Gov. Martin O'Malley and Senate
Mike Miller. HB
1025, introduced on March 9, 2007, passed both chambers of the
on April 2, and was signed by Gov. O'Malley on April 24.
Voting Eligible Population: 3,797,264. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 62.9%. Registration: Dem. 1,717,245 (55.30%) Rep. 907,493 (29.22%) Grn. 7,506 (0.24%) Const. 296 Lib. 2,651 (0.09%) Pop. 11 Dec./Other 470,168 (15.14%) ...Total 3,105,370. Deadline to register to vote before the General Election is Oct. 12, 2004 (21st day before the election). |
Overview Although the margin was trimmed a bit from Gore's 2000 showing, Kerry easily won with a plurality of 309,790 votes (12.99 percentage points). Kerry carried 5 counties--Baltimore, Charles, Howard, Montgomery and Prince George's--and Baltimore City while Bush won in 18 counties. General Election Details Kerry/Allies | Bush-Cheney '04 |
General Election -- Tuesday, November 7, 2000 |
Voting Eligible Population: 3,649,631. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 55.5%. Registration: Dem. 1,547,117 (56.98%) Rep. 805,894 (29.68%) Lib. 4,021 Grn. 973 Const. 57 Ref. 813 Dec./Other 356,441 (13.13%) ...Total 2,715,366. |
Overview Gore comfortably won Maryland's 10 electoral votes, gaining a plurality of 326,985 votes (16.18 percentage points). Gore carried 6 counties and Baltimore City, while Bush won in 17 counties. |
Notes: Seven political parties filed with the State Board of Elections to be officially recognized in Maryland for the Nov. 2000 election. Six parties achieved this status and appeared on the ballot (the Natural Law Party failed to gain sufficient signatures). |
Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action. |