MAINE | 4 Electoral Votes |
Population (Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Maine Department of the Secretary of State) Total Population, July 2008 est. 1,316,456 Total Registration, Nov. 2008 942,825 Dem. 310,950 (32.98%) Rep. 258,147 (27.38%) Grn Ind. 27,354 (2.90%) Unenrolled 346,374 (36.74%) Maine has: 16 counties. Five largest counties: Cumberland, York, Penobscot, Kennebec, Androscoggin. >
of Maine Secretary of State Constitution
Party of ME Portland
Press Herald
Voting Eligible Population*: 1,024,699. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 71.4%. Total Registration: 942,825. |
Overview Maine was one of six states where the turnout rate in the presidential election was actually less than in 2004. The Obama-Biden ticket won with a plurality of 126,650 votes (17.33 percentage points). McCain visited Kennebunkport and South Portland on July 21, Sarah Palin rallied in Bangor on Oct. 16, and Todd Palin made several stops on Oct. 11-12. The McCain campaign made a play for the 2nd CD, hoping to pick up one electoral vote, but the margin there was 189,778 votes for Obama (54.61%) to 150,669 votes for McCain (43.35%) and 7,090 for Nader, McKinney and others. Obama/Allies | McCain/Allies | Nader |
Republicans February 1-3, 2008. Democrats Sunday, February 10, 2008 |
Democrats >
34 Delegates (24 Pledged, 10 Unpledged) and 4 Alternates. 0.84% of the 4,049 Delegate Votes. Clinton
| Obama
Feb. 10, 2008 Caucus Results>
Releases: Maine Democratic Party |
Republicans >
21 Delegates: 3 RNC; 12 at-large; 6 by CD (3 x 2 CDs) and 18 Alternates. 0.88% of the 2,380 Delegates. Feb. 1-3, 2008 -
Caucuses McCain
| Paul
| Romney
Feb. 1-3, 2008
Preference Survey Results (non-binding)
Voting Eligible Population: 1,003,792. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 73.8%. Registration: Dem. 319,198 (31.17%) Rep. 287,452 (28.07%) Grn Ind. 24,155 (2.36%) Unenrolled 393,151 (38.40%) ...Total 1,023,956. |
Overview The Kerry campaign secured a plurality of 66,641 votes (8.99 percentage points). Kerry carried the 1st CD by 55.07% to 43.14% with 1.79% to the other four candidates (211,703 to 165,824 and 6,865). The 2nd CD was somewhat closer 51.95% to 46.13% and 1.92% (185,139 to 164,377 and 6,844). The presence of Mainer Pat LaMarche on the Green Independent ticket did not help its performance significantly. General Election Details Kerry/Allies | Bush/Cheney '04 |
General Election -- Tuesday, November 7, 2000 |
Voting Eligible
Population: 969,292. VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 67.2%. Registration: Dem. 297,405 (31.40%) Rep. 278,228 (29.37%) Ref. 3,114 (0.33%) Grn Ind. 8,743 (0.92%) Unenrolled 359,699 (37.98%) ...Total 947,189. |
Overview In 1992 and 1996, Mainers provided Ross Perot with his strongest showings percentagewise of any state. They have twice elected independent Angus King as governor. While the two House members are Democrats, both Senators are Republicans. About 38% of the electorate are unenrolled voters. In short, Maine's voters tend to be independent-minded. In 2000 they backed Gore with a plurality of 33,335 votes (5.12 percentage points). He carried the 1st CD, which covers Southern Maine up to Augusta, by 50.52% to 42.59% with 5.82% for Nader (176,293 to 148,618 and 20,297). The 2nd CD was closer--indeed right up to Election Night the Bush camp had hopes of gaining one elector--but it did go for Gore 47.43% to 45.56% with 5.56% for Nader (143,658 to 137,998 and 16,830). General Election Activities |
Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action. |