WYOMING 3 Electoral Votes
(Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Wyoming Secretary of State)
Total Population, July 1, 2008 est. 532,668
Total Registration, Nov. 4, 2008 244,818
Rep. 150,504 (61.48%)   Dem. 65,640 (26.81%)   Unaffiliated 27,757 (11.34%)   Lib. 878   Other  39  
Wyoming has: 23 counties.

Governor: Dave Freudenthal (D) elected in 2002, re-elected in 2006. 
State Legislature: Wyoming State Legislature  House: 60 seats  Senate: 30 seats
Local: Counties and Municipalities...  NACO Counties
U.S. House: 1R - 1. B.Cubin (R)
U.S. Senate: Mike Enzi (R) up for re-election in 2008, John Barrasso (R) up for election in 2008. 
2008 update   
U.S. Senate:  The two Senate races proved to be very lopsided, as both Republican incumbents garnered over 70 percent of the vote.  Sen. Mike Enzi (R) defeated Christopher Rothfuss (D), and appointed Sen. John Barrasso (R) defeated attorney Nick Carter (D). 
U.S. House: In the at-large congressional race, an open seat due to the retirement of Rep. Barbara Cubin (R), former Wyoming State Treasurer Cynthia Lummis (R) defeated financial entrepreneur Gary Trauner (D), the 2006 nominee, and David Herbert (L) by 52.62% to 42.81% and 4.42%.  MORE

The Cowboy State 

 State of Wyoming
Secretary of State

Republican Party of WY
WY Democratic Party
WY Libertarian Party
Constitution Party-WY
Green Party-WY

WY Tribune-Eagle
Casper Star-Tribune
News & Media


General Election -- Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Voting Eligible Population*: 389,304.
VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 65.4%.

Registration-Nov. 4, 2008: 244,818.

Wyoming statutes allow voters to register at the polls on Election Day (thus the vote total is higher than the registration number).

In Wyoming, any qualified elector may vote by absentee ballot
in person in the office of their county clerk 40 days before an election or by requesting an absentee ballot be mailed.
Official Results >

+McCain/Palin (Rep.)
Obama/Biden (Dem.) 82,868
Barr/Root (Lib.)
Baldwin/Castle (Ind.) 1,192
Nader/Gonzalez (Ind.)

under votes 1,131; over votes 246

2008 Overview
Wyoming was never in any doubt as the McCain-Palin ticket secured a plurality of 82,090 votes (32.24 percentage points).  Obama fared 7.5 percentage points better than Kerry had and carried Albany County (Laramie...home of the University of Wyoming) in addition to Jackson County (Teton)Activity by the principals was limited to Cindy McCain's appearance at a Sept. 24 fundraising breakfast/brunch for McCain-Palin Victory 2008 at Teton Pines Country Club in Wilson (Gov. Palin originally scheduled).
Obama/Allies  |  McCain/Allies Nader
[Primary Election: Aug. 19, 2008]
County Conventions -- Dems.: Saturday, March 8, 2008.  Reps.: Saturday, January 5, 2008
Registration, Feb. 19, 2008Rep. 136,844 (63.15%)   Dem. 57,327 (26.45%)   Unaffiliated 21,950 (10.13%)   Lib. 533   Other  54   Total: 216,708
18 Delegates (12 Pledged, 6 Unpledged) and 4 Alternates. >
0.44% of the 4,049 Delegate Votes.  0.42% of the 4,234 Delegate Votes.

First determining step is county conventions on March 8, 2008.
District-level delegates selected by presidential preference caucuses at the State Convention in Jackson on May 23-24, 2008.

Obama  |  Clinton

Final Corrected Unofficial Results
Delegates to the State Convention

Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama


14 delegates (penalized 14 delegates because process violates RNC rules). >
0.59% of the 2,380 Delegates.

Huckabee  |  Romney  |  F.Thompson

On Jan. 5, 2008 Wyoming Republicans held county conventions in all 23 counties.  Approximately 3,000 people participated, electing 12 delegates and 12 alternates to the national convention.  Eight of those delegates were committed to Mitt Romney, three to Fred Thompson, and one to Duncan Hunter.  Wyoming is a non-binding state so these delegates are free to vote for whoever they choose and can change their votes at any time.  The remaining delegates will be elected at the State Convention on May 30, 2008. (reactions: Romney, WYGOP)

Setting the Date
On Aug. 25, 2007 at their state central committee meeting Wyoming Republicans voted to hold county conventions on Jan. 5, 2008, putting them in the first-in-the nation position, but risking penalties from the Republican National Committee. [On Oct. 22, 2007 the RNC Executive Committee votes to penalize New Hampshire, Florida, South Carolina, Michigan and Wyoming by half their delegates to the the Republican National Convention for starting their delegate selection in advance of Feb. 5, 2008.  This move must still be approved by full RNC].  Earlier in the year they had discussed holding the party's 2008 county conventions on "the same date as the New Hampshire Republican Primary, whenever that may be."  [Feb. 3, 2007 letter]. 

General Election -- Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Voting Eligible Population*: 370,785.
VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 65.7%.

Total Ballots Cast: 245,789 incl. 433 presidential over votes. 
Wyoming statutes allow voters to register at the polls on Election Day.
Official Results

+Bush/Cheney (Rep.)
167,629 (68.86)
Kerry/Edwards (Dem.) 70,776 (29.07)
Badnarik/Campagna (Lib.) 1,171 (0.48)
Nader/Camejo (Ind.) 2,741 (1.13)
Peroutka/Baldwin (Ind.) 631 (0.26)
Write-Ins 480 (0.20)

2004 Overview
The Bush-Cheney ticket amassed a plurality of 96,853 votes (39.79 percentage points).  Bush carried 22 counties; Kerry did carry Teton County (Jackson).  In a Nov. 3, 2004 press release Secretary of State Joe Meyer stated, “Having Wyoming’s Dick Cheney on the ballot has probably driven our high voter turnout the last two Presidential elections.”  General Election Details

General Election -- Tuesday, November 7, 2000
Voting Eligible Population*: 361,078.
VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate: 59.2%.

: Third parties on the ballot: The Libertarian Party qualified as minor party, having won support from more than 5% of the electors in the last general election.  The Natural Law Party and the Reform Party qualified as provisional parties (June 1, 2000 deadline).  Howard Phillips qualified as an independent candidate by meeting the signature requirement.  (An independent candidate needed to submit signatures of 3,484 certified voters (2 percent of the voting population) by the Aug. 28, 2000 deadline).  A Nader petition effort fell short.

Total Ballots Cast: 221,685.

Official Results

Gore/Lieberman (Dem.)
Phillips/Frazier (Ind.)
Browne/Olivier (Lib.)
Hagelin/Goldhaber (NLP)
Buchanan/Foster (Ref.)
+Bush/Cheney (Rep.)
Nader/LaDuke (w/in)*

*The state canvass does not include the Nader write in votes.  The state canvassing board did not canvass those votes because they did not affect the outcome of the race.  However, Nader requested that his write-in votes be counted according to W.S. 22-16-103(b).

2000 Overview
The Bush-Cheney ticket easily won Wyoming's 3 electoral votes, carrying all 23 counties and securing a plurality of 87,466 votes (40.06 percentage points) in Cheney's home state.

1992 and 1996 General Elections

Bush (Rep.)............79,347 (39.56)
Clinton (Dem.)........68,160 (33.98)
Perot (Ind.).............51,263
Others (2+w/ins).......1,817

Dole (Rep.)...........105,388 (49.81)
Clinton (Dem.)........77,934 (36.84)
Perot (Ind.).............25,928
Others (2)................2,321
Note: The 12%-plus for Perot marked his fourth strongest showing.

2004 page >
2000 page >

Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action.