Obama for America

"In America"
Ad run in NC starting week of April 29, 2008.  

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[Music] Obama (voiceover and to camera): Here in America, we live by certain values.  Hard work.  Community.  Keeping your word.

But today, Washington’s got it backwards.  Trade deals that put profits before people.  Laws written for -- and by – corporate lobbyists.

We need to stop rewarding companies that export jobs.  End a war that’s cost so much in lives and dollars.  Invest in workers here at home.

I’m Barack Obama, and I approve this message to ask for your support on Tuesday.

Because the change we need in Washington begins with you.


Notes: Shows Obama in Jeffersonville, Indiana (see "Next Door").  According to the press release:

"In America" is a brand new ad airing for the first time in North Carolina, focusing on Senator Obama's vision for protecting American values and the American dream by changing Washington politics and putting working families first.