Texts of Letters Prepared for the Jan. 19, 2008 Nevada Democratic Caucuses
Nevada for Biden   [NEXT]

Thank you for participating in the historic Nevada Caucus. Your attendance at the Caucuses ensures that Nevada will have a significant voice in choosing the Democratic Party nominee for President of the United States.

Earlier this month, Iowa and New Hampshire had their traditional say in choosing the Party's candidate for President. But today the eyes of the entire nation turn to you.

You will be voting earlier in the Presidential election cycle than you ever have before, and it's about time, because the early Nevada caucus means that your views and your votes will be heard louder than ever and will serve to represent your state and the entire Western region.

The Democratic Party views Nevada as a critical state in 2008, and for good reason. George W. Bush narrowly won the Silver State in 2004, beating John Kerry by just over 20,000 votes. But increasing diversity and tremendous population growth will inevitably change the politics of Nevada.

Come November, I believe that Nevada will become a blue state, and its five electoral votes will help elect a Democrat to the White House.

Why do I believe that? Despite giving George W. Bush your electoral votes, this President has shown little interest in the matters that most impact you. He has no policy to give more children health care, no policy to protect the environment, no policy to protect your pensions, no policy to get our brave troops out of Iraq.

I am seeking the Democratic Party's nomination for President because I believe that the people of Nevada are looking for a President who reflects their values, who speaks the truth, and who will help us believe in something again. I relish the opportunity to restore our honor at home and our reputation around the world.

I promise you that if I am elected President, I will provide our troops with a plan for Iraq that will enable them to come home without leaving chaos behind. I will immediately insure the 11 million kids in this country who do not have health insurance. My energy policy will tackle global climate change and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. And most of all, I will be the Education President. We need to do a better job of educating our kids in this country. That means smaller class sizes, more teachers, and a guarantee of two years of preschool and two years of college.

You know where I stand. I stand with you. And on January 19,2008, I hope you stand with me as you go to the historic Nevada caucuses.

Your friend,

Joe Biden

Biden for President Nevada Headquarters
2202 W. Charleston Blvd. Suite 13
Las Vegas, NV 89102
(702) 853-2008