Republican Committees-Organization
2008 Edition   revised January 15, 2009   

Republican National Committee (see also states, John McCain 2008 and Convention
310 First Street, SE, Washington, DC

(The RNC is a confederation of state parties.  Power flows from the local level up to the national level.  The RNC is governed by the rules adopted at the last convention.  In contract, the DNC often changes its rules between conventions.  In a sense, the RNC's lack of flexibility in changing its rules forces it to look to the future rather than adjusting to the tides of the moment).

                                                National Convention
                                                                              Every four years.

168 Members of the RNC
Meet twice yearly.  1 Committeeman, 1 Committeewoman and 1 Chairperson from each state.  Committee members terms run from Convention to Convention.  (Formerly 165 Members -- increased with the addition of three Members from the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands).

Executive Committee (28 members)(Rule 6)
Sounding board for the Chair.  Decisions between meetings of the full RNC. 
8 by Region MW, NE, S, W
3 Chair Appointments 
17 Elected and Appointed Officers -
Chairman, Co-Chair, Vice Chairs, Treasurer, Secretary; General Counsel, Finance Chairman, Chairman of State Chairmen's Advisory Comm., Chairman of the Budget Committee, Chairman of the Rules Committee.

Chairman Mike Duncan
(Elected Jan. 20, 2007)  With his wife, Duncan is principal owner of two community banks, Community Holding Co. and Inez Deposit Bank, with five offices in eastern Kentucky.  Upon being elected chairman he was serving his fourth term as an RNC Committeeman from Kentucky.  Confirmed as General Counsel of the Republican National Committee in July 2002 and January 2005.  Previously elected Treasurer of the RNC in January 2001. Has worked for Republican candidates for local, state and national office for over thirty years and served the party at every level from precinct captain to county chairman to state chairman.
Co-Chair Jo Ann Davidson
(Elected Jan. 19, 2005) Bush-Cheney ’04 Ohio Valley Regional Campaign Chair.  Member of the Ohio House of Representatives for 20 years, including Speaker of the House from 1995-2000.  As Chairman of the Ohio House Republican Campaign Committee from 1986-2000, she spearheaded the successful effort to return the Republicans to the majority in the Ohio House of Representatives in 1994, for the first time in 22 years.  Chairman of the Franklin County Republican Party Central Committee for 25 years.  Chairman of the Taft for Governor campaigns in 1998 and 2002.  Resident of Reynoldsburg, Ohio.

Neva Foley - Previously worked in the political department on John McCain 2008 (through 2007).  Northeast deputy regional political director at the RNC, 2005-06.  NH Victory/Bush-Cheney campaign in Fall 2004.  Graduate of American University.

8 Vice Chairs - Elected from the four regions

Treasurer Tim Morgan
Secretary vacant

General Counsel Blake Hall
Idaho.  Active in the Republican Party at the local, state, and national levels for more than two decades, including service as Chairman of the Committee on Credentials for the 1996 and 2004 Republican National Conventions and as the Sergeant at Arms for the 2000 Republican National Convention.  He is currently a partner at Anderson, Nelson, Hall and Smith.
Chairman, State Chairmen Jim Herring
(announced March 20, 2007)  Currently is chairman of the Mississippi Republican Party and a partner at Herring, Long and Crews, P.C.  He has served as a judge on the Mississippi Court of Appeals and was a Colonel in the Air Force Reserve JAG Corps for 25 years.

(Rule 10 committees)
Chairman, Finance Committee Dwight Schar
(Announced March 10, 2005; nomination confirmed by the full RNC at the 2005 Summer Meeting)  Resident of McLean, Virginia.  Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of NVR, Inc., the sixth largest homebuilder in the United States.  Longtime philanthropist for children’s charities and an instrumental figure in the higher education community.  Mr. Schar has also been appointed to the President’s Advisory Committee on the Arts for the Kennedy Center. Do not have to be an RNC member to serve on the Finance Committee.
Standing Committee on Rules Chairman: David Norcross (NJ)
(56 members - 1 from each state)
Resolutions Committee Chairman:
(9 members - 1 appointed by the Chairman and 2 elected from each region)
Budget Committee Chairman: Ron Kaufman (MA)
(11 members - 3 appointed by the Chairman, 4 elected from the regions, 4 ex officio: Chair, Co-Chair, Treasurer, Chairman of the Finance Committee)
Committee on Arrangements Chairman: JoAnn Davidson (OH) (Jan. 19, 2007)
(60-plus members including 1 from each state)
Committee on the Call Robert T. Bennett
(8-plus members)
Committee on Contests Jim Herring
(9 members - Chair appointed by the Chairman and 2 elected from each region)

Chief of Staff Anne Hathaway
(announced Jan. 23, 2007)  Previously the RNC's Great Lakes Regional Political Director, started in 2001.  Prior to joining the RNC, she was Executive Director of the Indiana House Republican Campaign Committee.  Hathaway also served Vice President Dan Quayle at the White House as Assistant to the Vice President and Director of Scheduling and Public Liaison and was Executive Director of his political action committee, Campaign America.

Deputy to the Chief of Staff - Dan Iten
Previously a deputy regional political director at the RNC.  Regional field director in Minnesota on Bush-Cheney '04.  B.A. in political science from Bethel College, 2003.

Starting in March-April 2008 the RNC started building its Victory organization
Victory Chairman Carly Fiorina
(announced March 7, 2008)  President and CEO of Hewlett-Packard from 1999 to 2005 and chairman from 2000-05.  Worked for 20 years at AT&T and Lucent Technologies, where she held a number of senior leadership positions.  B.A. in medieval history and philosophy from Stanford University, M.B.A. from the University of Maryland, and M.S. from MIT’s Sloan School of Management.  Author of Tough Choices: A Memoir.
Victory Finance Chairman Lew Eisenberg
(announced March 7, 2008)  Extensive fundraising experience including as a national finance co-chair of John McCain 2008, a Pioneer on the Bush-Cheney 2004 campaign, RNC finance chairman from Jan. 2002-March 2003, and co-founder of the Team 100 program for the RNC in 1998.  Eisenberg also served as co-chairman of the New York City Host Committee for the 2004 Republican National Convention.  He is partner and co-founder, in 1990, of Granite Capital International Group, an investment management company headquartered in New York City.  Previously partner at Goldman Sachs.  Chaired the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey from 1995 to Jan. 2002.  Founded the Republican Leadership Council.  Served on New York Gov. George Pataki’s transition team and was a key advisor to New Jersey Gov. Christine Whitman.
2008 Victory Jewish Coalition (announced April 23, 2008)
Chair: House Chief Deputy Whip Eric Cantor
Co-Chair: Fred Zeidman
State Victory Finance Chairs (announced April 25, 2008)

RNC Deputy Chairman Frank Donatelli
(announced March 7, 2008)  Executive Vice President and Director of Federal Public Affairs for McGuireWoods Consulting.  Partner at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, L.L.P., 1995-2001.  Partner at Bond and Donatelli, 1989-95.  Assistant to President Reagan for Political and Intergovernmental Affairs, 1987-89. Deputy Assistant to the President for Public Liaison at the White House, March 1984-May 1985.  Director of the Africa Bureau at Agency for International Development, 1983.  Attorney at Patton, Boggs and Blow, 1981-83 and 1985-87.  Regional political director on Ronald Reagan for President, 1979-80.  Campaign director on James A. Baker III for Attorney General of Texas, 1978.  Executive director of Young Americans for Freedom, 1973-77.  J.D. from American University, 1976; B.A. from University of Pittsburgh, 1971.
Senior Advisor for Political Operations Mike DuHaime
(announced March 7, 2008)  Previously executive director of the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee starting end of 2006.  Political director at the RNC, started in January 2005.  Northeast regional political director for Bush-Cheney '04.  Prior to the campaign served as executive director of the New Jersey Republican Party starting in January 2002.  Has his own political consulting firm, DuHaime Communications, Inc., which he formed in 2001.  Deputy campaign manager of Bob Franks' 2000 Senate campaign.  Graduate of Livingston College, Rutgers.  From Hoboken, NJ.

National Victory Director
Michael Beach
Political/72 Hour director at the Nevada Republican Party.  Program analyst at the U.S. General Services Administration.  72 Hour field coordinator at Ohio Republican Party/Bush-Cheney campaign.  Graduate of the Ohio State University.

Deputy Victory Director
Rick Oettinger
Accounts payable manager on Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign.  Special assistant at the U.S. Department of the Interior.  Special assistant at the RNC.  Graduate of West Chester University of Pennsylvania, 2006.

State Victory Directors

also note: McCain-Palin Victory 2008


Political Director Rich Beeson
(announced Jan. 23, 2007)  At the RNC from 1997 to 2005, Beeson worked as an RNC regional political director and regional finance director for the Western region.  Previously national field director for Americans Back in Charge and was the organizational director of two statewide campaigns in his home state Colorado.
Deputy Political Director Jessica Ennis
(announced Feb. 27, 2007)  Joined the RNC in May 2005 as the Southeast Regional Finance Director.  Prior to joining the RNC, Ennis was the Victory 2004 executive director in North Carolina.  Campaign manager for former Congressman Bill Cobey’s gubernatorial bid in 2003-04, and before that she spent four and a half years as the finance director (and Victory 2002 Executive Director) at the North Carolina Republican Party.  She worked on Congressman Walter Jones’ re-election campaign in 1998, and in 1996, Ennis started her career in politics as the executive director of the Pitt County Republican Party.
Regional Political Directors
Northeast: Randy Bumps - (from 2005) Bush-Cheney '04 Maine executive director.  Previously served as state director for Sen. Susan Collins, overseeing her state offices.  Deputy campaign manager on Collins' 2002 re-election campaign.  Earlier served as a regional field representative for Collins in Augusta, and in western Maine for then-Senator Bill Cohen.  Served three terms as a State Representative, elected in 1996 and re-elected in 1998 and 2000.  Graduate of Bates College with a degree in Political Science, 1995.  From Minot, Maine.

Mid-Atlantic: John Gibson - (announced Feb. 27, 2007)  Previously executive director of the Maryland Republican Party.  Other experience includes campaign manager for Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA), campaign manager for David Albo for Delegate and senior legislative assistant for Rep. Felix J. Grucci (NY-1).

Midwest/Northern Plains: Sue Forrester - (announced Feb. 27, 2007) Came to the RNC from position as director of political affairs for Associated Builders and Contractors.  Victory 2004 director at the RNC.  Senior account executive for the Republican voter contact firm of Feather Larson & Synhorst where she drafted and implemented voter contact plans for campaigns at all levels.  Director of operations for the RNC political department in 2001 and the RNC's western regional field coordinator in the 1998 cycle.  She has additional experience working as a campaign training coordinator for the NRCC, with the Nevada Republican party and helping to manage a congressional campaign.  Graduate of Gettysburg College with a B.A. in Political Science, 1994.

Great Lakes: Christopher McNulty - (announced Feb. 27, 2007) Executive director of the Ohio Republican Party from 2001 through the 2006 cycle.  "Ohio Bush Red Team," 2003-04.  Political director for the Ohio Republican Party, 1997-2000.  Northeast Ohio field director for the Ohio Republican Party, 1996-97.  Southeast Ohio field director for the Ohio Republican Party, 1995-96.  Graduate of John Carroll University (Cleveland), 1992.

Southeast: Clint Reed - Previously executive director of the Republican Party of Arkansas; executive director of the 2004 Victory Committee.  Legislative Director for the Republican Party of Arkansas.  Worked on Sen. Hutchinson’s 2002 re-election campaign.  Executive Assistant to Sen. Tim Hutchinson, 2001-02.  Native of Arkansas.

Southwest: Jay McCleskey - In 2004, McCleskey ran the RNC's successful Victory operation in New Mexico.  Prior to that, he served as executive director for the Republican Party of New Mexico and as campaign manager for John Sanchez's 2002 bid for Governor.  McCleskey has worked on political campaigns at all different levels, including managing the campaign that defeated the longest-serving Speaker of the New Mexico State House in 2000.

Northwest: Tricia Pearson - (announced May 2008) Senior advisor in the U.S. Small Business Administration's Office of Entrepreneurial Development.  Served as acting chief of staff to Sen. George Allen of Virginia.  Western political director at the National Republican Senatorial Committee2003-04. Started in politics in the office of Sen. Conrad Burns of Montana, first as a field representative for Friends of Conrad Burns, then district scheduler, and eventually campaign manager for Sen. Burns in 2000.  Executive director of the Montana Republican Party, 1997-99. B.A. in political science from the University of Montana in 1994.

Director of State & Local Development
Shannon Reeves
Served as director of the GOP's African American Leadership Council.  Secretary of California Republican Party; also served as president of the NAACP branch in Oakland.  Graduate of Grambling State University, 1991.


G O V E R N M E N T   A F F A I R S

Director of Government Affairs Will Kinzel
(announced Jan. 8, 2008)  For the year prior to being promoted to this position, Kinzel served as Associate Counsel for the RNC, where he worked on contract and trademark law issues as well as compliance with applicable federal and state campaign finance laws.  Prior to joining the RNC, Kinzel was a manager, government affairs, for Case New Holland, focusing on Federal legislative issues as well as international business development opportunities.  J.D. from The George Washington University Law School in 2006 and a B.A. from Gettysburg College in 1996.


Communications Director Danny Diaz
Deputy communications director on Sen. McCain's 2008 presidential campaign (January 2007; resigned July 16, 2007).  Deputy communications director at the RNC, announced Feb. 9, 2005.  (Overseeing the RNC’s regional media efforts).  Regional wpokesperson for the Southwest and Mountain States for Bush-Cheney ’04.  Deputy press secretary for the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC).  He has also worked for several public relations firms in the Washington, DC area.
Deputy Communications Director Brian Walton
Previously Walton served as RNC director of media affairs.  Prior to that, Walton served as deputy press secretary for the NRSC.  He was also detailed to the White House as an associate director of communications focusing on media for the Iraq war, and spent time at the Commerce Department, where he served as a public affairs specialist under Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez.  Walton was both the director of radio and the director of TV for the Bush-Cheney 2004 re-election campaign.

Press Secretary Alex Conant
Midwest regional spokesman in the White House Office of Media Affairs.  Aide to Josh Bolten at the Office of Management and Budget.  Worked for Sen. John Thune (R-SD).
Deputy Press Secretary Amber Wilkerson
Previously, Wilkerson served as RNC regional press secretary for the Southeast.  Prior to joining the RNC, Wilkerson served as the deputy communications director for Lynn Swann’s 2006 gubernatorial campaign in Pennsylvania.  Wilkerson has also worked as the press secretary for the House Committee on Homeland Security, and served in the Office of Public Affairs at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge.

Regional Press Secretaries
West - Bill Riggs
(and ?Director of Radio) Previously an account representative at DCI Group.  Graduate of Davidson College.

Northeast - Blair Latoff
(started early Dec. 2007)  Worked as a staff assistant, press assistant and most recently asdeputy press secretary to the Senate Judiciary Committee and Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) starting in the latter part of 2005.  From Pennsylvania.

Southeast - Katie Wright

Midwest - Chris Taylor

Associate Press Secretary Moira Bagley
(started in Jan. 2008)  Previously a copy editor at Roll Call, starting in April 2005.  Copy/production editor at the Gazette Newspapers.  Graduate of the University of Kentucky, 2003.

Director of Outreach Communications Andeliz Castillo
(started in Jan. 2008)  Legislative assistant and scheduler at the Office of Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart, 2005-07.  B.A. in political science and Hispanic studies from Brown University, 2007.

Director of Media Affairs
Pat Royal

Director of Research/Deputy Communications Director Shawn Reinschmiedt
(announced Feb. 27, 2007)  Previously served as Deputy Research Director at the RNC for the 2006 election cycle and, in 2004, as Senior Analyst responsible for compiling opposition research on potential Democrat vice presidential candidates.  Reinschmiedt has also served as a summer law clerk for then-U.S. Attorney Robert S.Mueller, III, in San Francisco, CA.
Deputy Research Director Jim Landry

eC A M P A I G N

eCampaign Director Cyrus Krohn
(reported by Politico's Ben Smith in June 2007; announced July 18, 2007 "oversee the RNC’s website, all online strategic communications, and constituent outreach.  He will be responsible for the introduction of new technologies and multimedia to continue to expand the GOP’s Internet efforts.") Prior to joining the RNC Krohn worked for two years as director of content production and election strategy at Yahoo! in Santa Monica.  Worked for nine years at Microsoft, starting in 1996 as the second hire on Slate magazine and rising to become publisher of Slate in July 2002 and later executive producer of MSN Video.  Produced programs for CNN's Crossfire and Larry King Live.  Worked in the White House for Vice President Dan Quayle in the Office of Administration and Special Projects from 1991-92.
Deputy eCampaign Director Todd van Etten
(May 2007)  Previously special assistant to the Counselor at the U.S. Department of Labor.  Worked on the eCampaign in the latter half of 2006.  Editorial/correspondence intern at  Worked on the Tarrant for Senate 2006 campaign in Vermont.  B.A. in political science and philosophy from the University of Vermont, 2006.

Associate eCampaign Director Brian Athey
After graduating worked freelance.  B.A. in graphic design from Louisiana State University, 2006.

Online Communications Director Liz Mair
(started Dec. 2007)  Previously worked as a self-employed political consultant.  Worked on several campaigns in England.  Lawyer at Macfarlanes in London.  University of St. Andrews and The College of Law.

S T R A T E G Y   A N D   D A T A
 data operations, including the National Voter File and Voter Vault.
Director of Strategy Bill Steiner
(announced July 20, 2007)  A veteran of the RNC, having served during three Presidential campaign cycles.  Deputy director of strategy starting in 2005.  Deputy IT director, 2000-04.  Director of the Political Analysis Department, 1996-2000.   B.A. from Colgate University.  Steiner hails from Pennsylvania.
Deputy Strategy Director for Political Technologies Chad Barth
(announced July 20, 2007) As Director of Voter Vault, Barth has been working on improving the program to create better efficiencies for volunteers, state parties, candidates and staff by leveraging new technologies.  Joined the RNC in Nov. 2003 as the Voter Vault Coordinator.  Barth served as organization director for the Republican Party of Iowa, 1999-2002. He was state chair of the Iowa Federation of College Republicans and is a graduate of Iowa State University, 2000.

Deputy Director of Voter Vault
Jon Black
(started in this position in May 2008; previously a regional Voter Vault coordinator, starting in April 2007)  Worked on the Rhode Island Victory campaign in 2006, IDing and mobilizing likely voters in the U.S. Senate race.  Graduate of Allegheny College.
Deputy Strategy Director for List Development Dan Perkins
(announced July 20, 2007)  A longtime RNC employee, Perkins joined the Committee in 1991 as a Political Analyst.  In 1998, he became List Development Director and has since been responsible for the RNC’s list acquisition efforts.
Director of Network Operations Dirk Eyman
Returned to the RNC as director of network operations in Jan. 2005.  IT director at Bush-Cheney '04, June 2003-Dec. 2004.  A network architect at the RNC, June 2000-June 2003.


Finance Director Gretchen Purser
(announced March 23, 2007)  President of The Purser Company.  Vice president for federal affairs at Century Strategies (Ralph Reed's firm).  directed the RNC's Annual Gala in 2005 and 2006; directed the annual Presidential dinner hosted by the Republican Governor’s Association, 2004; executive director for the House-Senate Dinner (now known as The President’s Dinner), 1999-2003; coordinated the RNC's Convention Gala in 2000; served on the 2000 Presidential Inaugural Committee.  Director of development for the Christian Coalition.  Oklahoma native.

Deputy Finance Director Debbie LeHardy
Debbie LeHardy and Associates.  University of Arkansas at Fayetteville.
Director of Membership Services Sue Gazdo
[low dollar donors]


CFO/Director of Administration Jay Banning
Banning has been CFO/Director of Administration since 1983.  Comptroller at the RNC, 1981-83.  Director of Acoounting at the RNC, 1976-81.  Prior to joining the RNC he worked for two years as a staff accountant at Ted Jones and Company, C.P.A. in Rehoboth Beach, DE.  B.S. degree in Accounting and Business Administration from Madison College in Harrisburg, VA, 1973; A.S. from Brandywine College in Wilmington, DC, 1971.

Director of Building Services


M E M B E R   E V E N T S   A N D   R E L A T I O N S

Director of Member Relations Tricia Weir
("liaison between the RNC and the RNC National Committee Members"...announced May 7, 2007)  Most recently Manager of the ACSPA-Surgeons PAC (American College of Surgeons Professional Association).  Served as Director of External Affairs for the RNC Finance division and Executive Assistant to Deputy Chairman Jack Oliver.  On the Bush-Cheney '04 campaign she served as Special Assistant to National Finance Vice Chairman Jack Oliver.  Weir also has worked for Congressman W. Todd Akin (MO-2) both on his campaign and as his staff assistant in his Washington, D.C. office.



Chief Counsel Sean Cairncross
(announced March 23, 2007)  RNC deputy counsel since 2004.  Previously a litigation associate at the Washington D.C. law firm Covington & Burling.  J.D. from NYU in 2001, M.Phil. from Cambridge University in 1998, and B.A. from American University in 1997.
Deputy Counsel Heather Sidwell
(focuses on policy and litigation issues involving election law reform, and federal and state election law compliance for the national party)  Prior to joining the RNC, Sidwell was an Associate in the Washington, D.C. office of McDermott Will & Emery LLP. She also previously served as a Legislative Specialist and Law Clerk at Covington & Burling LLP.  J.D. from American University in 2005, and her B.A. from Denison University in 1996.
Associate Counsel Jennifer Sheehan
(primary focus is on internal RNC issues, including the Rules of the Republican Party and the Republican National Convention; also assists on federal and state election law matters) Prior to joining the RNC, Sheehan served as Deputy Chief of Staff for the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Finance and Administration Cabinet.  J.D. from the University of Kentucky in 2005 and her B.A. from Centre College in 2000.
Director of Staff and Special Projects Valerie Phillips

Of Counsel/Senior Legal Advisor Tom Josefiak
(announced March 23, 2007)  RNC Chief Counsel in the 2005-06 cycle.  General Counsel for Bush Cheney '04.  Started at the RNC Counsel's Office in Feb. 1992.  Appointed by President Reagan as a commissioner on the Federal Election Commission in 1985 and served a six-year term.  Special deputy to the Secretary of the Senate, representing the Secretary at the FEC, 1981-85.  Special Counsel to the Minority of the Committee on House Administration, 1977-79.  Counsel to the NRCC, 1977-80.  Legislative Assistant to Congressman Silvio Conte (R-MA).  J.D. from Georgetown University.  Undergraduate degree from Fairfield University in Connecticut.  Native of Adams, MA.
"McCain-RNC political operation plans to be running in 17 states, with 76 "Victory Centers," 94 regional and state campaign staffers and 145 RNC staffers." -Liz Sidoti, The Associated Press, ea. June 2008.  note 12/08 upgrading this section







2007 edition 

Copyright © 2008, 2009  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action