Television and Radio Advertising
Interest Group Campaign Ads - 2008 Presidential Primaries   ...General Election

Supporting Particular Candidates
AFSCME PEOPLE   ...supporting Clinton/opposing Obama 
-"I Didn't Know" (mid-Jan. 2008 - NV).
-"My Kids" (late Dec. 2007 - IA).

-"Hide and Seek" (Dec. 5, 2007 - IA).

also: radio ad targeting Obama
Alliance for a New America   ...supporting Edwards
-TV ad (late Dec. 2007 - IA).
-Beth Junk radio ad (week of Dec. 16, 2007 - IA).
radio American Federation of Teachers COPE  ...supporting Clinton
-"Fighter" (radio, March 31, 2008 - PA).
-"Ready to Lead" (radio, late Dec. 2007 - IA).
-"The Future" (radio, Dec. 6, 2007 - IA).
American Leadership Project  ...supporting Clinton/opposing Obama
-"Squeezed" (late May 2008 - MT, SD).
-"Fighting for Puerto Rico" (late May 2008 - PR).
-"Middle" (May 15, 2008 - OR).
-"Jobs" (April 29, 2008 - IN).
-"Every" (April 16, 2008 - PA/early March 2008 - TX).
-"Count On" (early March 2008 - TX).
-"Blueprint" (Feb. 20, 2008 - OH).

Friends of the Earth Action   ...supporting Edwards
-"Trust" (radio, Dec. 21, 2007 - IA).
-"Humanity" (radio, Oct. 25, 2007 - NH).
SEIU COPE  ...supporting Obama
-"America First" (April 30, 2008 - IN).
-"Change" (April 2008 - PA).
-"Leadership" (Feb. 26, 2008 - OH).
-"Cambio" (Spanish, Feb. 26, 2008 - TX).
-"What We Need" (Feb. 26, 2008 - TX).

UFCW International Union Active Ballot Club
-"Can We?" (Feb. 26, 2008 - OH).

Working for Working Americans   ...supporting Edwards
-TV ad (approx. Dec. 19, 2007 - IA).


Targeting Particular Candidates
California Nurses Association/Physicians for a National Health Care Program
-"Speechless" ads targeting Clinton, Edwards and Obama (Sept. 26, 2007 - NH, DC; also run in IA).

Club for
-"United" targeting Huckabee (Dec. 10, 2007 - IA and SC, and on FOX News nationwide).
-"Bill Clinton or Mike Huckabee" targeting Huckabee (Aug. 2, 2007 - IA; Jan. 2008 - MI).
Democratic Courage PAC
-"Santa Obama's Christmas Spectacular" targeting Obama (announced Dec. 21, 2007 - IA).
-"Blowin' in the Wind" targeting Clinton (Dec. 7, 2007 - IA).
Log Cabin Republicans
-Radio ad targeting Romney (Nov. 29, 2007 - NH).
-Ad targeting Romney (Oct. 4, 2007 - IA and FOX News).
. Political Action
-"Giuliani: A Betrayal of Trust" targeting Giuliani on Iraq Study Group (week of Sept. 17, 2007 - IA).
-"Reckless" targeting McCain for his "Bomb Iran" gaffe (week of April 23, 2007 - IA, NH).
-"Escalation" targeting McCain for his support of additional troops in Iraq (Jan. 17, 2007 - IA, NH).

Republican Majority for Choice
"Just One More Time" targeting Romney (Dec. 2, 2007 - IA, NH).
STOP Hillary PAC
-Ad coinciding with Sen. Hillary Clinton's first visit to the state (Jan. 27, 2007 - IA cable).

-Spanish radio ad targeting Clinton (Jan. 17, 2008 - NV).

Divided We Fail
-"Way Too Important" (June 2007 - NH).
-"Too Young" (June 2007 - NH).

ED in '08
-"America's Future" (announced Dec. 18, 2007).
-"Abby Ad" (Aug. 3, 2007 - IA).

Every Child Matters
-Brazelton ad (radio, Oct. 15, 2007 - NH).


League of Conservation Voters
"Being Green" (week of Aug. 22, 2007 - IA).
The Heat is On
-"Challenge of a Generation" (April 22-27, 2007 - SC).
ONE Vote ‘08
"Heal" (Dec. 13, 2007 - IA, NH, national cable).


Alliance for a New America - a 527 funded by several state branches of SEIU.  It had a one-page website at

Alliance for a New America believes that Washington is broken.
Special interests control our government while members of the middle class who work hard and play by the rules are left behind. We have to fix the problems in Washington first if we are going to strengthen the economy and make sure every American has quality health care.

We are encouraging voters to ask the candidates how they will make the middle class and working Americans their top priority in Washington, while ensuring that special interests and corporate America lose their stranglehold on our government.

American Leadership Project - "an unincorporated association organized under section 527 of the IRS code, dedicated to highlighting issues of importance to the American middle class, such the economy, jobs, the rising cost of health care, and the mortgage crisis."  Chairman Jason Kinney.  Major support from AFSCME and IAM (Machinists).

Working for Working Americans - "a non-federal political organization under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code.  It is supported by members of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters."


Copyright © 2007, 2008  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action