Oppo: Iowa Democratic Party Targets Republican Presidential Prospects
Jan07 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan2008
July 2007 was a busy month for Republican presidential candidates in Iowa as eight of them made 23 visits totaling 73 days.  July was also a busy month for the Iowa Democratic Party's team of commucations director Carrie Giddins and press secretary Chris Allen as they churned out 23 press releases poking at the GOP hopefuls.  Scorecard: Romney 9, Huckabee 6, Giuliani 4, Brownback 3, and Tancredo 1...Total 23.
July 2007
Sun. Jul. 1
Mon. Jul. 2 Ask Mitt Anything About Agriculture Subsidies, Romney's Policies Dangerous for Iowa
Tues. Jul. 3 a) Romney Flips Again! Is There Anything He Won't Say for A Vote? 
b) Romney Praises Amnesty for Libby,What Position Will He Change Next?
Wed. Jul. 4
Thurs. Jul. 5
Fri. Jul. 6
Sat. Jul. 7
Sun. Jul. 8
Mon. Jul. 9
Tues. Jul. 10
Wed. Jul. 11 a) Brownback Supported Bush's Immigration Reform, Well, For 15 Minutes Anyway
b) Huckabee Open to Expanding Iraq Troop Surge, When Will Republicans Accept Reality?
Thurs. Jul. 12 Huckabee Shoots for the Stars in Straw Poll, Does He Know What's Happened to People Who Finished Third? 
Fri. Jul. 13 Huckabee Claims to Listen Only to Military Commanders on Iraq Strategy 
Sat. Jul. 14
Sun. Jul. 15
Mon. Jul. 16
Tues. Jul. 17
Wed. Jul. 18 a) Questions to Ask Rudy Giuliani, If He Let's You Ask 
b) Strict Constructionist: A Primer for Rudy Giuliani, Republican Candidate Does His Best Pandering in Western Iowa 
Thurs. Jul. 19 a) Conservative Judges to Energy: Rudy Giuliani Out of Step with Iowa Caucus-Goers 
b) Huckabee Hearts Taxes Or the Saga of the Habitual Tax Hiker
c) Brownback Opposes Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Denies Hope to Millions of Americans 
Fri. Jul. 20 Romney Using Selective Memory, Or Is It Another Flip-Flop? As Governor Supported Sex Education Framework
Sat. Jul. 21 Ask Mitt Anything About Impersonating Police Officers 
Sun. Jul. 22
Mon. Jul. 23 Huckabee Discusses Health Care, Will He Mention that Arkansas Ranked 46th in State Health Rankings?
Tues. Jul. 24 Rudy on the Radio, Does This Mean He Is Taking Iowa Seriously? 
Wed. Jul. 25 a) Ask Mitt Anything Returns! Maybe This Time He Will Answer Our Questions 
b) Brownback First to Go Negative, Is He Really This Desperate?
Thurs. Jul. 26 a) Romney Continues Unabashed Support of Bush's Iraq Strategy, He Changed His Mind on Everything Else, Why Not This?
b) Romney Flips Again! How Important Is the Straw Poll?
Fri. Jul. 27 a) Romney Misleads on Immigration Plans, Why Can't He Tell the Whole Story?
b) Huckabee's Ethical Nightmares
Sat. Jul. 28
Sun. Jul. 29
Mon. Jul. 30 Tancredo's Hypocrisy Revealed, Anti-Immigration Zealot Hired Illegal Immigrants to Work on His Home 
Tues. Jul. 31
Copyright ©  2007  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action